Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Split tests

Split testing (A/B testing) is a professional email marketing tool used for comparing email effectiveness.

Split tests enable you to compare the conversion rates for several different emails of the same recipient segment to define the most productive communication method with the target audience.

Split testing can be applied to the following items of an email:

  • The email template, for example, the image location or the color of the call-to-action button (CTA). As a result of the test, you can define in what way the style and the form of the CTA button influence the number of the clicks.

  • The subject of the email. The subject is the first thing that the potential customer will see upon receiving the email. Define the wording of the email subject so that it stimulates the users to open the email.

  • The sender's name. You can test which sender's name has more credibility with the recipient.


You can use split tests for bulk emails only.


How to conduct split tests correctly

Starting a split test analysis

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