Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Email] section

One of the most effective marketing tools to promote your products and services are marketing emails. Inform your potential and existing customers and partners about various events, news or advertising.

In Creatio, emails are managed in the [Email] section. Use this section to prepare marketing emails, set up email audiences, and analyze delivery statistics and responses. The section analytics provides detailed statistics both for individual marketing emails and for aggregated metrics.


The Creatio on-site users need to set up integration with a marketing email provider before they start using the email functionality in Creatio. Learn more in the “Email setup” article.

The following marketing email functions are available in Creatio:

  • Bulk emails are sent to a large number of recipients. Read more >>>

  • Trigger emails are sent automatically when new participants are added. Read more >>>


Access to the marketing email functionality is licensed separately. Learn more in the “Creatio licensing” article.


By default, Creatio is integrated with UniOne. Contact Creatio support at to send emails via Elastic Email.


The following views are available:

  • btn_com_list_view.png – list of emails. Displays emails as a list of records.

  • btn_com_analytics.png – email dashboards. Displays charts, metrics and ratings that can be used for analyzing emails. Read more >>> 


Use the “Email marketing” interactive online course to learn more about sending emails and processing the email results. Note that you need to register on the web site to be able to access the course.


Email domain verification

Sending emails

Email analysis

Additional email configuration

Email FAQ

Email marketing terms

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