Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Email marketing terms

Creatio uses the following terms and definitions for email marketing:

General terms

Email audience – list of email recipients that includes contacts added in Creatio. To make your list of recipients, use the [Audience] tab on the email page. The email audience is populated in different ways depending on the email type. Read more about creating audiences in the “Add a bulk email audience” and “Add a trigger email audience” blocks.

Email start – initiating the email sending process. Users can start emails manually or automatically, at a specified time or upon a certain event. Trigger and bulk emails are started in different ways. Learn more in the “How to start a bulk email” and “How to start sending trigger emails” articles.

Bulk email – a type of marketing email that assumes sending a batch of messages only once. Learn more in the “Add a bulk email” article.

Response – a reaction of a mail system or recipient to an email. The [Audience] tab of the email page displays responses from each recipient. The [Email totals] tab of the email page displays analytical metrics for the responses.

Read more about responses in the “Email response analysis” article.

Unsubscription – refusal to receive emails in the future. An “unsubscription” is clicking a special “unsubscribe” link contained in each email. Upon clicking the link, recipients are redirected to the configured unsubscribe page. The unsubscribe page is specified in the “Website to redirect the unsubscribed” system setting. Learn more in the “How to set up an unsubscribe link in emails” article.

System email – use this function to send important non-marketing emails, such as notifications about updates or service unavailability. System email ignores the “Do not use email” checkbox if it is selected on the [Communication channels] tab of the recipient’s contact record and sends an email to the contact. Learn more in the “How to send a system email” article.

Split test (“A/В testing”) – assists in determining the most efficient approaches to emails based on the target audience. A split test is sending several different emails to a group of test recipients, who belong to the same target audience. Upon sending, we compare the conversion results per each variant of the sent emails. Learn more about using split tests in the “Split tests” article.

Test email – a trial sending of an email to check how the recipients will see the message. For more information about the portal main page, please see the “How to send a test email” article.

Trigger email – an automatic marketing email that starts when new participants are added to the audience. For example, participants can be added to a trigger email when executing a marketing campaign or a business process. The trigger email can start as a result of registering a visitor on a web site. Learn more about using trigger emails in the “Trigger emails” article.

Email template – an editable email layout that consists of several content blocks of different types. For example, an email template can have dynamic and static blocks that contain some text, an HTML code, images, macros, etc. You can use a default template, select an out-of-the-box template from the [Email templates] lookup or create a new template. Read more about creating and editing templates in the “Marketing email templates” article.

Setting up emails

Domain verification – confirming the email domain of a sender. Domain verification is performed to display the correct name of a sender in the [From] field of emails and to avoid unsanctioned emails on your behalf. Verification is performed on the domain server using the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) methods. Learn more in the “Domain verification for the UniOne provider” and “Domain verification for the Elastic Email provider” articles.

Email delivery rate – a metric that represents a ratio of the number of delivered emails to the number of sent emails. The factors that influence email deliverability are covered in the “Email guidelines” article.

DKIM record – a record added in the DNS zone of the email domain. This record enables adding DKIM electronic signatures to emails sent from your domain.

SPF record – a special “TXT” record that must be created in the DNS zone of your email domain. The SPF record specifies the servers that permit sending emails for your mail domain. Only one SPF record can exist for a domain. It is recommended to verify your created SPF record using SPF testing tools.

Dynamic content

Dynamic content block – a separate email section, whose content changes depending on the individual characteristics of the addressee.

Dynamic content – enables displaying or hiding different content in an email, depending on the recipient’s segmentation characteristics, such as location, website activities, purchase history, gender, age, etc. The dynamic content is generated using dynamic content blocks. Read more in the “Configure dynamic content for emails” article.

Dynamic content rule – a method of segmenting email audience. Use the dynamic content rules to specify the corresponding segmentation conditions and display specific content blocks. Use filtering by contact data available in Creatio to configure the dynamic content rules (e.g., apply filtering by gender or country).

Dynamic content replica - a variant of email template view generated according to a combination of dynamic content rules (i.e., as seen by an email recipient who belongs to a specific segment(s)).

Audience segment – members of the email audience, who receive a specific dynamic content replica.

Dynamic content segment – the content of a separate dynamic content block matching a specific rule.

See also

Email domain verification

Sending emails

Email analysis

Additional email configuration

Email FAQ


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