Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Dashboards] section

The Dashboards section displays data from different sections of the system. We recommend you use this section to analyze and plan the work of each employee, each department and the company as a whole.

The functionality of this section is similar to that of the Analytics view in the system sections, and is described in the “Dashboards” chapter.


The [Email totals] tab

The [Event totals] tab

The [Lead totals] tab

The [Licenses] tab

The [Email totals] tab

The tab displays detailed statistics of the bulk email results.


The total number of sent emails. The number of the emails sent per each bulk email is displayed in the [Sent] column of the [Email] section.


Percentage and quantity of delivered emails. The number of the emails delivered per each bulk email is displayed in the [Delivered] column of the [Email] section.

The percentage of delivered emails is calculated based on the total number of sent emails and is displayed on the [Sent] detail.


Total number of opened emails.

The number of opened emails per each bulk email is displayed in the [No. of opens] column that is described in the context of the [Bulk email totals] tab in the [Email] section.


The percentage of unique clicks.

The number of clicks for each bulk email is displayed in the [No. of clicks] column that is described in the context of the [Bulk email totals] tab in the [Email] section.

Soft Bounce

The percentage of delivery errors with a “Soft Bounce” response.

The number of “Soft Bounce” responses for each bulk email is displayed in the [No. of Soft Bounce] column that is described in the context of the [Bulk email totals] tab in the [Email] section.

Hard Bounce

The percentage of delivery errors with a “Hard Bounce” response.

The number of “Hard Bounce” responses for each bulk email is displayed in the [No. of Hard Bounce] column that is described in the context of the [Bulk email totals] tab in the [Email] section.


The percentage of recipients who unsubscribed.

The number of unsubscribes for each bulk email is displayed in the [No. of unsubscriptions] column that is described in the context of the [Bulk email totals] tab in the [Email] section.


The percentage of recipients who made spam complaints.

The number of spam complaints for each bulk email is displayed in the [No. of spam complaints] column that is described in the context of the [Bulk email totals] tab in the [Email] section.

Number of opens and clicks

Diagram that displays the number of opens and clicks that have been effected since start working in the system. The number of opens and clicks is grouped by month and displayed in chronological order. The diagram contains data about the bulk emails with the “Sent” and “In progress” status.

The [Event totals] tab

Event summary statistics

Expected budget

Indicator displaying the total expected budget for the event in the base currency.

Actual cost

Indicator displaying the total actual costs of the event in the base currency.

Expected revenue

Indicator displaying the total expected revenue of the event in the base currency.

Actual revenue

Indicator displaying the total actual revenue of the event in the base currency.

Upcoming events

List of 5 events to be started today or later. The data is sorted by date in ascending order. The soonest events appear at the top of the list.

Events by type

Diagram displaying how events are grouped by type.

The [Lead totals] tab

The [Leads pipeline] tab shows how leads are grouped by stage.

Lead pipeline

A pipeline diagram displaying how leads are grouped by stage. Leads that have the “Disqualified“ and “Not interested“ stages are not taken into account.

Number of leads in pipeline

A metric displaying the number of leads that the [Lead pipeline] is based on. Leads on the “Disqualified“ and “Not interested“ stages are not taken into account.

Number of marketing-ready leads this month

Calculated indicator displaying the number of leads that have proceeded to the “Awaiting sale“ stage in the current month. It is created based on the records in the [Process log] section.

Leads by maturity

Diagram displaying how leads are grouped by need maturity.

Lead sources

Diagram displaying how leads are grouped by source.

The [Licenses] tab

The ratio of the purchased and actual number of active contacts in Creatio .

The license for the active contacts regulates the number of contacts whom marketing communications can be applied using any channel in Creatio . If you exceed the actual number of active contacts, the corresponding functionality becomes unavailable for use. In particular, you will not be able to create and send bulk emails using the [Email] section.

Active contacts (purchased)

Indicator that displays the number of purchased licenses for the active contacts.

Active contacts (used)

A software module that displays the actual number of active contacts, and the date and time of the value calculation.


Creatio Licensing  is described in a separate chapter.

See also


Video tutorials

Analytics in Creatio. Working with dashboards


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