Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.7.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Process items. Standard process items

The [Actions] group contains tasks and actions that are performed while the process is running. For example, when handling an order from a customer, certain meetings and calls can be scheduled, and some email messages can be sent. All of the steps mentioned above are separate activities of the process connected to each other with flows.

User activities require the user to perform certain actions. They include activities from the [Activities] section ([Task], [Call], [Email]), as well as [Edit page] (used for opening any record pages) and [User dialog] (displays a page where a user can select one or several answer options).

When a user activity is run, the system creates an activity that is automatically completed once the user performs all steps required for this process item.

The [Formula] item is also one of the standard activities that is used for making calculations to fill in parameter values and move down the conditional flows.


[Task] process item

[Call] process item

[Email] process item

[Send email] process item

[Change access rights] process item

[Edit page] process item

[User dialog] process item

[Formula] process item