Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to specify product details

In Creatio, a set of product details comprises the complete profile of a product. These details consist of:

  • Customer parameters – requirements that the customer must meet to be able to purchase the product. Customer parameters include age limitations, working experience, etc.

  • Product features – static parameters that characterize the product. Product features include product currency, early repayment, etc.

  • Sales conditions – product details that change depending on each particular sale. For example, the interest rate for a 12-month loan will be different from that of an 18 months loan.

  • Documents package – the list of documents that the customer must provide in order to purchase the product. For example, if a customer needs to provide an internal passport, an extract from a salary account, etc., to purchase a banking product.

  • Condition change criteria – additional conditions that can affect the product details. Condition change criteria include positive credit history, which can justify decreasing the interest rate.

Each record on the [Product details] detail is a separate set of conditions. A product can have multiple sets of conditions with different terms.


How to set up customer parameters

How to set up product features

How to set up bank customer journey conditions

How to set up the document package

How to set up condition change criteria

See also

The [Contacts] section

The [Lookups] section

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