Portal Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Set up the portal login page

The login page allows portal users to authenticate on the portal by entering their login credentials or by authenticating via an alternative method. The main application and the portal have separate login pages. These pages share several settings.

For example, the login page URL for an application “https://mysite.creatio.com” will be as follows:

  • Creatio application: https://mysite.creatio.com/Login/NuiLogin.aspx

  • Portal: https://mysite.сreatio.com/login/SSPLogin.aspx.

By default, https://mysite.creatio.com is the main application login page. However, you can change it to be the portal login page. Read more   >>> 

We recommend adding the following assets to the portal login page:

  • Corporate logo – you can add different logo images for the main application and portal login pages. Read more   >>> 

  • Support phone numbers and links to any additional resources, which are displayed both on the main application and portal login pages. Read more   >>> 


Change the default login page

Set up the logo

Set up contact options and links

Change the default login page

If you use the portal to actively communicate with customers, you can set the portal login page as the default one. This is most useful if self-registration is the primary method of user authentication on your portal.

Cloud settings

If you use a cloud-based version of Creatio, contact our support and have our team configure Single Sign-On on your site via a remote connection.

On-site settings

If you use an on-site version of Creatio, perform the following settings in the Creatio configuration files:

1.Modify the Web.config file located in the Creatio root folder.

2.Change the value from NuiLogin.aspx to SSPLogin.aspx. For example:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login/SSPLogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" name=".ASPXAUTH" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" defaultUrl="ViewPage.aspx?Id=4e342d5e-bd89-4b79-98e2-22e433122403" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" />
<add value="SSPLogin.aspx" />

3.Save the changes.

Set up the logo

You can replace the default image on the login page with your logo. To do this:

1.Click btn_system_designer00022.png —> [System settings].

2.Open the “SSP Logo” system setting.

3.Delete the old logo by clicking the [Clear value] button.

4.Click [Select file] and choose the logo. Recommended image size: 37x274 pixels. If you upload a larger image, it will be scaled down to match the required dimensions. The recommended image format is PNG. Other standard image formats supported by your browser are also available.

5.Save the changes.


The logo on the login page is a cached item, so the user needs to clear the browser cache and refresh the page to see the changes.

Set up contact options and links

You can display contact options on the login page, e.g., sales department or customer support contacts, as well as any additional resources. These data will be displayed both on the main application and on the portal login pages.

Add contact options

To add contact options to the login page:

1.Click btn_system_designer00023.png -> [Edit].

2.Open the [Communication Options for Login Page] lookup.

3.In the opened window, click the [New] button.

4.Specify the name of the contact option, e.g., “Support” and add a phone number.

5.Click [OK].

6.If you need to add multiple contact options, repeat steps 3-5 for each contact option.

Add links

To links to the login page:

1.Click btn_system_designer00024.png -> [Edit].

2.Open the [Useful links for login page] lookup.

3.In the opened window, click [New].

4.Specify the name of the link, e.g., “Official website” and add a URL.

5.Click [OK].

6.If you need to add multiple links, repeat steps 3-5 for each link.

If user self-registration is not required, you can remove the “Register” button on the portal login page:

  • For applications deployed on-site, change the ShowPortalSelfRegistrationLink parameter in the Web.config file to:

<add key="UseStaticFileContent" value="false" />

  • For applications deployed in the cloud, please contact Creatio support.

See also

Set up the portal main page

Logo customization

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