[Wait for signal] process element
Intermediate catching signal (Fig. 57) can be activated by a custom signal. It can also react to the modifying or deleting of records in the specified object. For example, the opportunity stage was changed. After catching a signal that an opportunity was modified, the signal element activates its outgoing flows.
Fig. 57 Intermediate catching signal
Catching a custom signal
The “Custom signal” mode is selected if the element is waiting for a custom signal to be thrown in the current process or another.
Fill out the [Wait for signal] element setup page (Fig. 58).
Fig. 58 Custom signal parameters
1.In the [Which type of signal is received?] field, select “Custom signal”.
2.In the [Signal] field, specify the name of the custom signal to catch.
Catching an object signal
To continue a process after receiving an object signal, fill out the [Wait for signal] element setup page (Fig. 59).
Fig. 59 Object signal parameters
1.In the [Which type of signal is received?] field, select “Object signal”.
2.Specify record ID. The signal will be activated if the record is modified.
3.In the [Object] field, select the object that will generate the signal. To catch a signal from an activity record, select the “Activity” object.
4.Select the event that will trigger the signal. Select ”Record modified” in the [Which event should trigger the signal?] field.
5.Specify the filter conditions that the modified record must meet. Using the filter area, you can limit the list of columns that, when modified, will trigger the signal.
If the filter is not set, the signal will be triggered on any modification of record.
•[Wait for timer] process element