Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to enable additional filtering in a sales pipeline

Glossary Item Box


In bmp’online, you can enable additional filtering for calculations in sales pipeline charts.

To do it this:

  1. Create a new class inherited from the calculation provider and implement the necessary filtering logic.
  2. Create a replacing FunnelChartSchema client schema and use the new calculation class in it.

Case description

Add filtering to sales pipeline calculations displayed in the “Number of opportunities” view for selecting the opportunities whose [Customer] field is populated with an account.

Source code

You can download the package with case implementation using the following link.

Case implementation algorithm

1. Creating a new module in the custom package

Create a new calculation provider client module in the custom package. Calculation provider is a class responsible for selecting, filtering and processing data for sales pipeline chart.

Specify a name and caption for the new module, for example, UsrFunnelByCountDataProvider (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Calculation provider module properties

2. Defining the new provider class and specifying the filtering logic

Inherit the created class from the FunnelByCountDataProvider class and override the getFunnelFixedFilters method.

The module source code:

define("UsrFunnelByCountDataProvider", ["ext-base",
    "terrasoft", "UsrFunnelByCountDataProviderResources",
    function(Ext, Terrasoft, resources) {
        // Defining the new calculation provider.
        Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.UsrFunnelByCountDataProvider", {
            // Inheritance from the provider "by number".
            extend: "Terrasoft.FunnelByCountDataProvider",
            // Contracted name of the new provider.
            alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.UsrFunnelByCountDataProvider",
            // Extending the FunnelByCountDataProvider base module method.
            // Returns filter for selection.
            getFunnelFixedFilters: function() {
                // Calling the parent method.
                var esqFiltersGroup = this.callParent(arguments);
                // Adds filter specifying that the customer of an opportunity is an account.
                return esqFiltersGroup;

Save the module.

3. Implementing the pipeline chart module in custom package

To use the new provider module in calculations, cerate a replacing client module and specify FunnelChartSchema from the Opportunity package as a parent schema (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Properties of the replacing module

4. Specify the new calculation provider in the sales pipeline replacing schema

Override the provider generator method of sales pipeline calculation in the replacing schema and specify the new provider class for calculations.

The replacing schema source code is as follows:

define("FunnelChartSchema", ["UsrFunnelByCountDataProvider"], function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "Opportunity",
        methods: {
            getProvidersCollectionConfig: function() {
                // Calls parent method returning the provider array.
                var config = this.callParent();
                // Searches for data provider for displaying in the “Number of opportunities” view.
                var byCount = Terrasoft.findItem(config, {tag: "byNumberConversion"});
                // Changes for a new class.
                byCount.item.className = "Terrasoft.UsrFunnelByCountDataProvider";
                return config;

After you save the schema, the new calculation module will be used in the sales pipeline. It will display the opportunities whose [Customer] field is populated with an account.

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