A signal start event is used to activate a process by a signal from another process or a system object. This process element is activated by a [Throw signal] event in another process, or when adding, editing, deleting records in a specified object. For example, the process can start automatically when a new contact is added to the system.
Start message or signal events can be used to activate event sub-processes. These events are non-interrupting. It means that if an event sub-process is activated by a non-interrupting event, the main process continues to run and does not wait for this sub-process to finish.
Catching a custom signal
To initiate a process by a custom signal, fill out the [Start signal] setup page (Fig. 45):
1.In the [Which type of signal is received?] field, select “Custom signal”.
2.In the [Signal] field, specify the name of the custom signal to catch.
Fig. 45 Custom signal parameters
Catching an object signal
To initiate a process by an object signal, fill out the [Start signal] setup page (Fig. 46):
1.In the [Which type of signal is received?] field, select “Custom signal”.
2.In the [Object] field, select the object that will generate the signal.
3.In the [Which event should trigger the signal?] select the expected event:
a.“Record added” – the signal will be triggered each time a new record is added in the selected object.
b.“Record modified” – the signal will be triggered each time a record in the specified object is edited. Specify the fields whose values must be modified for the record to be considered “edited“. If changes in any field should trigger the event, select “In any field” in the [Changes expected] field.
If the process is run after a record is modified, select fields that must be modified. If changes in any field should trigger the event, select “In any field” in the [Changes expected] field.
c.“Record deleted” – the signal will be triggered after a record is deleted in an object.
4.Use the filter to specify the properties of the record that (if added, modified or deleted) will trigger the signal. For example, a process can be run automatically if a new contact of the “Customer“ type is added.
If the filter parameters are not set, then adding, modifying or deleting any record in the object will trigger the signal.
Fig. 46 Custom signal parameters
See also