How to work with the parameter value window
The parameter value window (Fig. 100) opens when you click the [Process parameter] command in the parameter value menu.
Fig. 100 Parameter value window
The parameter value field displays the entered parameter value. This field also can be used to enter parameter values manually (Fig. 101).
Only constant values can be entered manually. Constant values are numbers and text strings. Text strings must be enclosed in quotes ("").
Fig. 101 Parameter value entered manually
[Save] – saves changes and closes the parameter value window.
[Cancel] – closes the parameter value window without saving.
[Process elements] – selects a parameter of a different process element. The value of the current parameter will be mapped to the selected parameter.
[Process parameters] – selects parameters of the current process. The value of the selected parameter will be passed to the current parameter.
[System settings] – selects a system setting whose value will be passed to the current parameter.
[Lookup] – selects a lookup and a value from it to use as the current parameter value.
[System variables] – selects a system variable (such as current user name or current date and time) whose value will be passed to the current parameter.
The [Functions] tab
The [Functions] tab contains the list of functions to use with the parameter values. A function is performed for an expression, number or several numbers enclosed in parentheses.
If you select any part of formula text and add a function, this text will be automatically enclosed in parentheses of this function.
[RoundUp()] – Round to the greater integer number. If decimals are not equal to zero, the integer number will be increased by 1. For example, “1,1” will be rounded to “2”.
[RoundOff()] – Round to the nearest integer number. For example, “1,4” will be rounded to “1”, and “1,5” – to “2”.
[RoundDown()] – Round to the smaller integer number. For example, “1,9” will be rounded to “1”.
[Module()] – Obtain the module of a number. Use this function if the calculated number cannot be negative. For example, a module can be used when calculating the difference between durations of two tasks.
[Minimum()], [Maximum()] – Select the minimum and maximum values accordingly. In parentheses, enter compared numbers separated by commas. For example, “1” will be the result of the “Minimum(1, 2, 3)” function.
[Average()] – calculates the average of several numbers. In parentheses, enter the needed numbers separated by commas. For example, “2” will be the result of the “Average(1, 2, 3)” function.
Functions can be performed for definite numbers as well as for variables or expressions. When working with expressions, you can set the calculation order by using parentheses. For example, “RoundOff(Average([#Task 1.Duration#], [#Task 2.Duration#]) * 1,2)”.
[RemainderAfterDivision()] – specifies the remainder after dividing one number by another. In parentheses, enter a dividend and divisor separated by a comma. For example, “1” is the result of the “RemainderAfterDivision(5, 2)” function.
[Day()] – Select a day of month from the data with the “Date/Time” or “Date” type. Use the [Date and time] tab to specify the date value in the parenthesis or the [Process elements] and [Process parameters] tab to specify the value of the process parameter or process item parameter. For example, “18” will be the result of the “Day([#Date Value.4/18/2016#])” function.
[Month()] – Select a month from the data with the “Date/Time” or “Date” type. Use the [Date and time] tab to specify the date value in the parenthesis or the [Process elements] and [Process parameters] tab to specify the value of the process parameter or process item parameter. For example, the number of the current month will be result of the “Month([#System Variable.Current Date Value#])” function.
[DayOfWeek()] – Select a number for a day of the week from the data with the “Date/Time” or “Date” type. For example, “1” will be the result of the “DayOfWeek([#Date value.4/18/2016#])” function as this date falls on Monday.
[Time()] – Select the value of time from the data with the “Date/Time” or “Time” type. For example, the current time value will be the result of the “Time([#System Variable.Current Date and Time Value#])” function.
[DayIsInRangeOfDate()] – Check whether the specified date falls within the specified period. For example, the “[DayIsInRangeOfDate([#System Variable.Current Date Value#],[#Date Value.4/18/2016#],5,3)]” function checks whether the current date falls within the range from April 13 to April 21, 2016. The boolean value is the result of the function.
The [Date and time] tab
Use this tab to specify any and/or time as the parameter values.
Only static date and time values can be specified.
[Select date] – adds a certain date-only value.
[Select time] – adds a certain time-only value.
[Select date and time] – adds a value for a certain time on a specific date.
See also
•How to specify parameter values
•How to specify constant parameter values
•How to acquire parameter values from other process elements