Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Successful events in the email log

The table below shows the events that indicate that the process of sending is successful.




Start sending email

Sending email is planned on {MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS time zone}.

For bulk emails, this event will be registered if a user selects ”at the specified time” in the [Send time] field and clicks the [Schedule sending] button.

Sending email was started on {MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS time zone}.

This event indicates that an email has successfully started the sending process.

Check integration with cloud email service

Connection with cloud email service is active.

This event is recorded before the email sending starts. It indicates that the integration between Creatio and the cloud email service has been set up correctly.

Start sending email

Sending email was started on {MM/DD/YYY HH:MM:SS time zone}.

This event indicates that an email has successfully started the sending process.

Preparing a batch of recipients for sending to the cloud email service (batch can contain up to 20000 recipients)

A batch #{0} of {1} recipients is generated. Out of them: {2} - will send to cloud email service, {3} - will not send, incorrect email, {4} - will not send, email does not exist, {5} - will not send, email is not valid, {6} - will not send, recipient is unsubscribed.

Creatio prepares emails for sending in batches of 20000 messages, one after another, until the entire email audience is covered.

The event description shows number of emails that will not be sent and why.

Sending a batch of emails to the cloud email service

Batch #{0} of emails was successfully sent.

The event indicates the successful sending of a batch of emails.

Emails successfully sent

Emails have been successfully sent

After sending the last batch, the corresponding event will be added to the log. There will be no more attempts to send this email and its status will be changed to "Completed”.


The event, which triggers a trigger email, is recorded in the campaign log. Read more in the “Campaign log article.

See also

Email delivery analysis

Error events in the email log

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