marketplace development guide

Ordering development site

Glossary Item Box

To be able to develop your own applications with Creatio platform, first you need to deploy the development environment - separate Creatio application which is used to create new functionality by developers. More details about working environments and Creatio development process organization are covered in the “Development process organization” article of the Creatio development guide.

You can deploy the development environment both in the cloud or on-site, using the local computer.

The advantages of using the on-site development environment are:

  • involving special development tools (e.g., Visual Studio)
  • using SVN
  • using the development mode in the file system

The process of deploying Creatio on-site is described in the “Deploying Creatio application on-site” article of the Creatio user guide.

Cloud development environment is a bundle of the three flagship products: Sales Creatio, Marketing Creatio and Service Creatio. This allows you to use any of the basic functionality of Creatio in your own solutions development.


Set the [Developer prefix] on the [Developer profile] tab in the [Profile settings] section before you order the development site. For more information please see the “Developer profile setup” article.

To deploy a new development site, use the site order form available in the Developer Workspace. To do this, go to the [Applications] section and submit a support service request on the [Development Site] tab (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. — Development site order form

After the request is processed, the support service will provide you with your own cloud development environment within 8 working hours form the moment of sending your request.

When the development site is deployed, the user will be automatically notified to the email address specified in the order form. A link to the development site will be posted and available in the same tab from which the site was ordered (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. — Link to the development site




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