Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

[Terminate] end event

Use the [Terminate] event (Fig. 1) to terminate a process instance immediately. This event is the last element in the process diagram.

Fig. 1 [Terminate] end event


Unless a [Terminate] event is activated in a process instance, it will remain active, until canceled in the [Process log] section.

[Terminate] end event operation


When the [Terminate] end event incoming flow is activated, the whole business process terminates. If there are any process elements that have not been executed before activation of the [Terminate] end event incoming flow, such elements are disregarded.


The [Terminate] end event is not supposed to have any outgoing flows. Any process parameter values will be recorded as the outgoing parameter values of the completed process instance.


Business processes with several branches that have the [Terminate] end event in them may end as soon as the first branch activates the [Terminate] event. The other branches in this case will not be executed.


Complete or cancel a process instance

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