Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

User actions

Process elements in the [User actions] group require the process user to perform certain actions, such as holding meetings, making calls, sending emails. All these steps are separate activities of the process that are connected to each other with flows. The activities are represented with the [Perform task] and [Send email] process elements. Use the [Open edit page] element to let the user manually create or edit records. Use the [User dialog] element to open a dialog page, where the user can choose one or more pre-defined options.

When a user activity is run, the system creates an activity that is automatically completed once the user performs all steps required for this process element.


[Task] process element

[Send email] process element

[User dialog] process element

[Open edit page] process element

[Auto-generated page] process element

[Pre-configured page] process element

[Call] process element

[Approval] process element

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