Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Contact page

In Creatio, a contact can be:


To synchronize with external resources, you need to perform the initial setup. Social network integration, Google synchronization, and Single Sign-On technology are described in separate chapters.


Contact personal data are stored in the contact’s profile, on the [Communication channels] and [Addresses] details at the [Contact info] tab and on the [Job experience] detail at the [current employment] tab. In the database, they correspond to the following tables: “Contact”, “ContactCommunication”, “ContactAddress” and “ContactCareer.”

The contact profile and connected account profile are located on the left side of the contact page. Profiles contain basic information on the current and connected records.

The action panel, which contains activities, posts, and emails, created when working with the contact, is located at the top of the page.

Workflow bar options:

  • btn_com_workflow_card_action.png – schedule a task.

  • btn_com_workflow_card_email.png – send an email.

  • btn_com_workflow_card_feed_message.png – create a post in the record feed.

  • btn_com_workflow_card_call.png – make phone call notes.

Tabs, which contain contact fields and details, are located below the action panel.

Record profile

General information about a contact.


A photo  is displayed on the contact's page as well as next to the contact name when displayed in other sections and in the feed.

Click the btn_add_userpic.png button to add a new photo. We recommend uploading a square image (aspect ratio: 1:1).

Click on the btn_delete_userpic.png button to remove the photo.

If you mouse over the photo area, the buttons will become visible.

Time zone and city

Contact's time zone and current time, determined automatically, using data on the [Addresses] detail. Read more >>> 

Full name

First name, middle name, last name of the contact.

Full job title

Contact's job title, for example, “Director” or “Department manager.”

Mobile phone

Mobile phone number. The value is synchronized with the [Communication options] detail of the [General information] tab.

Business phone

Business phone number. The value is synchronized with the [Communication options] detail of the [General information] tab.


Email address. The value is synchronized with the [Communication options] detail of the [General information] tab.

Account profile

The profile of the account contains the name, type, and owner of the account, as well as the website address, primary phone, category and industry of the company that is the contact’s employer.

Changing the account specified in the profile will also change information on the [Job experience] detail of the contact page. Likewise, modifying the information on the [Job experience] detail will update the account specified in the contact’s profile.

The [General information] tab

The tab contains salutation, address, noteworthy events and the contact's connections to other contacts or accounts. 


Contact type: customer, contact person or employee.


Name of the contact, responsible for the current contact.


Honorific, for example, “Mr” or “Mrs.”


Contact gender.


The preferred way to address the contact, e.g., by last name.

Preferred language

The language to use by default for automated communications with the contact. Affects the language of email notifications. If no preferred language is set for a contact, the notifications will be sent in English (the default language). The drop-down list of this field contains only languages whose status is set to “Active” in the [Customer languages] lookup.


Contact’s age.
The field is populated automatically and is grayed out if automatic calculation of contact age is enabled. Creatio calculates a contact’s age based on the value in the [Birth date] field. If the [Birth date] field is empty, the value in the [Age] field will be “0.”
If you disable the automatic calculation of contact age, the [Age] field will become editable. More information is available in the “Contact age calculation” article.

Communication options

This detail contains the list of contact's communication options, as well as the list of the banned ones.

The detail fields are displayed when you select the corresponding commands in the btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role.png menu.

Types of contact’s communication options.

Business phone

The phone numbers you can use to contact the contact. Communication option types are defined when a record is added (you can change them later).

Mobile phone

Home phone


Contact’s Skype account.


Website and email addresses of the contact.



Contact’s social network profiles.  A separate page is used to link a social network account to the contact


Do not use email

Checkboxes signify which communication options should not be used to contact a contact. For example, if a contact does not wish to receive mails, select the [Do not use mail] checkbox. For example, if a contact did not consent to receive emails, select the [Do not use Email] checkbox.

If the “Unsubscribe user from all bulk emails” system setting is enabled, the [Do not use email] option box will be automatically checked for all contacts who unsubscribed from bulk emails.

When sending bulk emails via the [Send email] element in the business process or case, Creatio ignores the [Do not use email] checkbox selected in the [Communication options] detail.

Do not use phone

Do not use SMS

Do not use mail

Do not use fax


If a communication option is currently not used, it becomes “invalid.” The “invalid” status appears automatically when the “Current” option is not checked for the selected communication option. It is not displayed on the [Communication options] detail but can be used when setting up filters for folders. Read more >>> 

Reason for irrelevance

Reason why the selected communication option is invalid: “Hard bounce”, “Soft bounce” or “Manual setting.” The field is filled in automatically. It is not displayed on the [Communication options] detail but can be used when setting up filters for folders.

Invalid from

Date from which the selected communication option has become invalid. The field is filled in automatically. It is not displayed on the [Communication options] detail but can be used when setting up filters for folders.


The record list displays the last of the entered email addresses of the contact.

You can use default types of communication options or add custom ones. Use the [Communication option types] lookup to add custom types of communication options.


Custom communication option types fall into one of the pre-set “communication types”: Email, Phone, Skype, SMS, Social network or Web. Be sure to select one when adding a custom communication option type.


If the MS Exchange integration is configured, it is not recommended to change default communication option types, since this may lead to synchronization errors. More information about contact fields is covered in a separate article.

Buttons on the [Communication options] detail:

btn_com_call.png – call to a contact. The button is displayed on the page if at least one field of the “Phone” type communication options is available Click the button to open the communication panel and dial the corresponding phone number.


Phone integration is required to make calls.

btn_com_workflow_card_email00001.png – email the contact. The button is displayed on the page if at least one “Email” communication option field is populated. Click the button to create a new email draft with the corresponding account specified in the [To] field. If you have synchronized your mail client with Creatio, the draft will be created directly in the Creatio. Otherwise, your default mail client will open.

btn_communications_visit_web.png – visit the contact’s website. The button is displayed on the page if at least one “Web” communication option field is populated. Click this button to open the corresponding website. The website will be opened in your default browser.

btn_facebook_7_11.png – open Facebook search page for selecting the contact’s Facebook accounts for adding to the list of the contact’s communication options. If a Facebook account has already been added as a communication option, clicking the button will open the contact’s Facebook page.


List of all addresses of the contact.

Address type

Type of address of the contact, for example, “Home”, “Business.” Defined when a record is added. You can change it afterward.


Indicates the primary address. Select this checkbox to display this address in the contact profile. By default, the [Primary] checkbox is selected for the first address added to the [Addresses] detail, but you can select this checkbox for a different address at any time. The checkbox in the original record will be cleared.


Street, building number and other details of the contact's address.


Contact’s location. The [State/province] and [City] fields are connected to the [Country] field. For example, if a city is located in a certain country, the [Country] field will be populated automatically when you fill in the [City] field. Similarly, if you enter a province in the [State/province], the [Country] field will be populated automatically. When you fill in the [Country] field, the [State/province] and [City] fields will display only those regions and cities, which correspond to the selected country. You can associate a region with a certain country in the [States/provinces] lookup, and associate a city with a country – in the [Cities] lookup.



Postal code of the contact’s address.  


The list displays the contact’s primary address.

Noteworthy events

List of contact's noteworthy events.


Type of the noteworthy event, such as “Birthday” or “Company day.” Defined when a record is added, but can be changed.


Date of the noteworthy event.


Noteworthy events of the “Birthday” type are linked to the [Birth date] field of the contact. If you populate the [Birth date] field, a "Birthday" noteworthy event will be automatically created for the contact. Likewise, if you add a noteworthy event of the “Birthday” type, the [Birth date] field will be populated accordingly. The same applies whenever the existing data is modified.

Connected to

Connections of the contact with other contacts and accounts.


Name of the contact for whom a connection is established. This is a non-editable field.

is a/an

Relationship type, for example, “Employee” or “Employer.” When you select a connection, the inverse connection type is automatically filled in the [Inverse relationship] detail.

For a contact

Name of the connected account or name of the connected contact.


The checkbox indicates whether the relationship is relevant at the present time.


Any additional information about the entities.

The [Employment] tab

The tab displays all information about contact's employment, including the current job and the previous ones.

Type of employment

Indicates whether the employment of the contact is a full time, part-time or seasonal.


Account profile

Job title

Position held by the contact, for example, “Department manager.”

Full job title

Exact job title, such as “Sales department manager.” If you select a value in the [Job title] field, this field will be filled in with the selected value.


Company's department where this conatct works, for example, “Sales” or “Marketing.”


Contact’s influence in the decision-making process, for example, “Decision maker,” “Influencer.”

The data on the [Current employment] tab is synchronized with the information on the [Job experience] detail.

If you fill in the  [Account] and when saving the page of the contact a message will appear prompting you to add a new record on the [Job experience] detail. When you click [Yes], a record with the new place of employment is automatically added on the [Job experience] detail. This information includes the company name and a day when the contact started working at the company. The [Primary] and [Current] checkboxes are also selected.

When you change the information in the fields of the [Current employment] tab that is associated with the [Job experience] detail (for example, information about the company, department, and position of contact), a message will appear prompting you to add a new record on the [Job experience] detail or to update an existing record. When a new record is added in the [Job experience] detail, the [Primary] and [Current] checkboxes are selected for this record, and the [Started on] field is filled in with the current date. The [Current] checkbox will be cleared for the previous place of work and the [Worked till] field will be filled in with the current date.

If you clear the [Account] field on the [Job experience] detail, the [Current] checkbox is automatically cleared for this place of work, and the [Worked till] field is filled in with the current date.

Job experience

Information about all employers of the contact.


Current contact. This is a non-editable field.


Contact’s employer  

Job title

Position held by the contact, for example, “Department manager.”

Full job title

Exact job title, such as “Sales department manager.”


Company department where the contact works.

Start date

Date when the employee was assigned to work in this position.

Due date

Date when the employee left the job.


The checkbox indicates that this place of work is the principal one.


The checkbox indicates the company where contact works at the present time.

Reason for job change

The reason why the employee decided to accept this position, for example, “Interesting work” or “Promotion.”


Additional information about the contact's employment.


The [Current employment] field group displays information about the place of work for which both the [Primary] and [Current] checkboxes are selected.

The data on the [Job experience] detail is synchronized with the information in the [Current employment] field group.

If either of the [Primary] and [Current] checkboxes is cleared for a record in the [Job experience] detail, the data about the place of work will be automatically cleared in the [Current employment] field group. When a record with the selected [Primary] and [Current] checkboxes is modified, the data in the [Current employment] field group is updated automatically.

If you select the [Primary] and [Current] checkboxes for another record in the [Job experience] detail, a message will appear asking whether the contact is still working in the specified position. If you click the [Yes] button, the [Primary] checkbox for the previous place of work will be cleared. If you click the [No] button, the [Current] checkbox for the previous place of work will be cleared.

The [Timeline] tab

The [Timeline] tab contains chronologically organized entries that represent records linked to the current contact. Read more >>> 

The types of linked records on the contact timeline include activities, calls, emails, feed posts, attachments and leads.

The [History] tab

The [History] tab displays records that are connected to the current contact.


History of service cases for the selected contact. The information on the detail is available in read-only mode. The records will be added on the detail automatically as you create them in your system used to manage cases.


The [Cases] detail will display the information after you set up Creatio integration with the system that you use to manage cases.


Contact connected to the case.


Sequential number.


Brief description of the case.

Reported on

Date and time when the case was registered.


The current status of the case. For example, “New” or “Closed.”

Closed on

Date when the case was assigned a final status, for example, “Closed” or “Canceled.”


Tasks and meetings that are connected to the current contact. The detail displays information from the [Activities] section. To connect an activity to a contact, fill in the [Contact] field of an activity page.


The list of the subscriber's incoming and outgoing calls. This detail displays information from the [Calls] section. To connect an activity to a contact, fill in the [Contact] field of an activity page.

You can playback a recorded call directly on the detail. Read more>>>


History of orders connected to the selected contact. The information on the detail is available in read-only mode. The records will be added on the detail automatically as you create them in your order management system.


The [Orders] detail will display the information after you set up Creatio integration with the system that you use to manage orders.

To view detailed order information, select the record on the detail and select the [Edit] option in the [Actions] menu.


Number of order.


Order registration date.

Order channel

Order source, for example, “Shopping cart”, “Mobile app.”


Contact (and company name, if necessary) that the order is generated for.


Actual end date

Actual date of order completion.

Total, base currency

Total order amount in the base currency.


Current status of order, for example, “Planned” or “In process.”


This detail contains the list of goods and services included in the order.


Number of the order in which the product is added


The name of the product that was added to the order.

Price, base currency

Price per product unit in the base currency.


Number of product units in the order.

Unit of measure

Measuring unit for product quantity.

Discount, %

The discount percentage given on the product.

Total, base currency

The total cost of products including any applied discount.


List of leads that are qualified as the selected contact. This detail displays information from the [Leads] section. The lead is connected to the contact by the [Qualified as contact] of the [Leads] section.

Website events

This detail displays the history of contact's visits to the website and the user actions performed (clicks on links, product comparison, posting feedback etc.). It reflects the interest of the contacts towards your products. you can use this information to better define the customer needs and the level of need maturity.

The information on the detail is available in read-only mode. The records are created automatically as the user performs actions on the website.


The [Website events] detail will display the information automatically after you set up Creatio integration with your website.

When you select an event on the detail toolbar, the [Open] button will become available. Click this button to open the page containing detailed information about the event and its attributes.


Contact connected to the event.


Date and time when the event was registered.

Event type

Event type, such as “Product view” or “Product comparison.”

Customer need

Need type related to the registered event. For example, group of products or services offered by your company.


Source of contact who visited your website page. For example, name of bulk email or advertising banner.


You can use the attributes to refine information about a registered event. For example, you can register names of products added to the shopping cart, or specify the product category searched by users.

Website event

Website event for which the attribute is specified.


Website event attribute


Attribute value. The field type depends on the value type of the selected attribute. For example, you can enter a digit for the decimal attribute, and select or clear the checkbox for the boolean attribute.


To modify the list of possible event attributes, use the special setup page that opens by selecting the [Attributes setup] action of the [Site events] tab. The setup page contains the list of all possible attributes that can be set for registered events.


Attribute name.

Value type

Attribute data type, for example, “Drop-down list” or “Decimal.” If you select the “Drop-down list” data type, the [Values] detail appears on the page. You can add the needed list of attribute values to it. Once the record is saved, the field becomes non-editable.


Attribute description.

There are the following types of attribute data:

  • “Decimal”; “Integer” – numeric type. For example, you can set “Price” attribute for “Product page visit” event, and “Product rating” attribute for “Feedback” event.

  • “Drop-down list” – data type for which you can select a value from the list. For example, for “Product search” event, you can set “Computer case color” attribute that has a list of possible values. “Black” and “Silver.”

  • “Boolean” – data type for which you can specify the “Yes” or “No” value. For example, for “Product page visit” event, you can set “Availability” attribute.

  • “String” – data type for which you can manually enter a text value. For example, for “Forum post” event, you can set “Post subject” attribute.

  • “Product link” – data type for which you can select a specific product from the catalog. For example, for “Adding product to cart” event, you can set the name of the add product.

“Product category”, “Product type”, “Brand” – type of data for which you can specify a value from the corresponding fields of the product page. For example, for “Catalog search” event, you can set the name of the product category or brand name of the searched product.


The list of marketing campaigns that a contact participates in. It displays information from the [Campaigns] section. The connection between a contact and a campaign is established when the contact is added to the campaign via the [Add from folder] element.

The [Communication channels] tab

On the [Communication channels] tab, you can set up subscription permissions for certain types of bulk emails. The tab also displays communication option prohibitions.

Do not use email

Checkboxes signify which communication options should not be used to contact the person. These fields are non-editable. The values are filled in on the [Communication options] detail of the [General information] tab.

Do not use phone

Do not use SMS

Do not use mail

Bulk email subscription

The detail is used to set up subscription permissions for certain types of bulk emails. For example, if a contact unsubscribed from your bulk email but wants to keep receiving special offers and invitations, you can specify such information on this detail. The contact will be included in the audiences of the bulk email types that are either not added on the [Bulk email subscription] detail or are added with the “Subscribed” status.

Information can be added on the detail manually. Also, if you set up the integration, then information from your external account can be added to the detail automatically.


Selected contact. This is an informational field.

Email type

Select the bulk email type for which you want to change the subscription status. The field contains the bulk email types for which the [Can be subscriber] checkbox is selected in the [Bulk email types] lookup. This is a required field.

Subscription status

Specify the subscription status, for example, “Subscribed” or “Unsubscribed.” If a bulk email type was added on the detail with the “Unsubscribed” status, the corresponding contact will not be included in the audience for such bulk email. This is a required field.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab contains additional information and related links to web resources. Read more >>> 


Use this detail to store files and links. For example, on this detail, you can add documents that reflect a contact's history or links to web resources.


The [Notes] detail is used to store additional text information. You can edit and organize your notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the contact page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

The [Feed] tab displays the messages from the [Feed] section that are connected to the current contact.

See also

Relevance of communication options

Integration with the MS Exchange service

Integration with Google services

Enrichment of contacts from the incoming email

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