Field module
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Set up rules and actions of a field meeting

Visit rules determine the different types of field meetings (a.k.a. “visits”) and field staff “to-do” list for each visit type. This enables you to plan sales rep visits with a few clicks, as Creatio will populate the properties of each visit automatically, according to applicable visit rule.

One of the primary components of a visit rule is the sale rep “to-do” list – the activities that sales reps are required to complete during a visit. For example, the first step of any visit is the “Check-in“ action, which confirms that the sales rep has actually arrived at the visit site. Completing this action will save information about the employee's location. Other visit activities may include a presentation of new services, and “Check-out.“ Read more >>> 


Add visit rules

Set up visit actions

Add a presentation to a visit

See also

Field visits

Automate the planning of field visits through cyclic tasks

Visit actions

Check-in performance monitoring

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