Field module
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Sales rep visit scheduling

Use the [Visit scheduling] view of the [Activities] section to plan field meetings.

The [Visit scheduling] view has the following functional areas:

1.List of accounts. The area displays the list of locations (e.g., sales outlets) with scheduled visits. The list includes only the accounts that have the same owner specified as the one that is selected in the calendar. You can filter the records in the accounts list by selecting the [Apply filter] option from the btn_com_roles_actions_menu.png button menu.

2.Field staff schedule The calendar in the [Visit scheduling] view is similar to the standard user calendar. The weekday titles in the calendar have additional buttons for building daily routes for field staff on the map.

3.Route map. The map that displays the daily route of a field staff member.

Before scheduling visits, make sure that the rule that applies to the visit corresponds to the needed period.


Use the [Field sales rules] lookup to set up visit rules.

To schedule a visit:

1.In the [Activities] section, select the [Visit scheduling] view (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Selecting the [Visit scheduling] view


2.Use the filters in the calendar area to select the period and a sales rep employee.

3.Select an outlet to schedule a visit to in the list of accounts to the left,  then drag it and drop into the needed time in the calendar (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Adding a visit to the calendar


You can also schedule a visit of  field staff in the [Calendar] view of the [Activities] section. Click [Add action] –> “Visit” on the toolbar to schedule a visit (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Adding a visit in the [Activities] section list



This method of scheduling a visit requires populating the [Contact] or [Account] field on the visit page. If both fields are blank, you will not be able to save the record.

As a result, Creatio will add a new “Visit“ activity. The primary contact of the account will be specified as the contact of the visit. The list of actions will be added to the visit according to the corresponding visit rule. Creatio sets the duration of the visit will according to the corresponding visit rule. If necessary, you can change the visit duration manually.


If several field rules apply to one visit, Creatio will let you choose which rule to apply to that visit.


After adding all visit activities of a field staff member on the calendar, use the map to view the changes in the sales rep's route for each day. Canceled visits are not taken into account when building a route.

See also

Building routes

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