How to bind emails to Creatio records manually
You can bind email messages to other records manually:
By using a special email field where you can specify a Creatio record to bind (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Binding an email message to another record using email message fields
By clicking the
button in the top right corner of the email message (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Binding an email message to another record using the button
By using the [General information] tab of the email message page. To open the email message page, click its subject.
To bind an email message to a Creatio record:
1.Click the button on the communication panel.
2.Select the email message that needs linking to another record.
3.Click the and select the necessary object, such as “Activity” (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Selecting an object (Creatio section) to link an email to one of its records
4.Select the record to link the email to in the lookup field. (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Binding an email to a Creatio account
As a result, the bound email message will be displayed in the [History] tab of the activity page.
You can also bind an email message to other Creatio records using the button in the top right corner of the message. To do this:
1.Click the button and select [Link email to] command (Fig. 2).
2.From the displayed menu, select an object, for example, “Account”.
3.In the opened window, select the necessary account from the lookup.
The two methods of binding emails to Creatio records work identically.
See also
•How to create a new record in a section based on an email message.
•How to set up rules for binding emails to other Creatio objects automatically