Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to prepare a file

To successfully upload data, make sure the file meets the following criteria:

The file is in *.xlsx format.

The file is not damaged.

The file does not contain active hyperlinks. Disable all active hyperlinks in the file before importing.

The file contains the correct column captions and data (having the column headings in the imported file match the field names in bpm’onlibe will save you time on column mapping during import).

The file contains no additional data except for the column titles in the first row.

The file contains no more than 50,000 rows approximately. The exact limit for the number of rows in the imported file is not a fixed value and may change depending on the number of columns and information volume specified as column values.

Follow these recommendations while entering values in the columns of the imported file:

Make sure that the cell formats in the file correspond to the columns in bpm'online. For example, for the [Full name] column, specify "Text" format, and for the [Start] column, specify "Date" format.

If you are importing website addresses, social network page addresses or any other URLs, they must not be active hyperlinks. Disable all active hyperlinks in the file before importing.

Specify one of the following date formats for the values:


Here, “MM” is for month, “DD” is for day and “YYYY” is for year.

If you import a value to the date/time column, specify the time after the date using a space.

Below are examples of correct date/time values in the Excel file.

01.31.15 2:01:00 PM
01.31.2015 14:02:00
01/31/2015 2:03:00 PM
01/31/2015 14:04:00
01-31-2015 2:05:00 PM
01-31-2015 14:06:00
1.31.2015 2:07:00 PM
01.31.2015 02:08:00 PM
01.31.2015 02:09:00 pm
01.31.15 02:10:00 AM

The values of Boolean fields, such as [Do not use email] must be specified in one of the following formats (not case sensitive):


Specify the values in the required fields. For example, specify the [Full name] field for contacts and the [Name] field for accounts. The exceptions are the required fields, which are automatically populated by default, such as the [Status] and the [Owner] fields. If you leave these fields blank, they will be automatically populated with default values. For example, these are the [Status] and the [Owner] fields.

Please note, that when importing data to lookup fields, any values that do not exist in the corresponding bpm'online lookups will be added there automatically. When checking the values, the opening and closing spaces and letter case are not taken into account, while special characters are important. For example, if the imported file has the "customer" value and the [Contact types] lookup contains the "Customer" value, new values will not be added to the lookup and the record will be linked to the existing lookup value. However, if the “Client” contact type is specified in the import file, a new “Client” value will be added to the [Contact types] lookup. To avoid duplicates in the bpm’online lookups, check the lookup values in the imported file.


Before adding an import file, please ensure that all plugins are disabled in your browser. Certain plugins may cause errors during the import process.

See also

How to import a customer database

Video tutorials

Universal import from Excel to bpm’online

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