Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.


Use tags to segment your records manually. For example, you can tag records in the [Contacts] section to mark your VIP-customers or the “blacklisted” customers. Each record is tagged individually. You can quickly search and filter tagged records. For example, you can use tags to find the necessary article in the [Knowledge base] section.

A section record can have several tags at a time. Also, you can assign either tags that will be displayed only to you or will be available to other bpm'online users or customers on the self-service portal.

Working with tags

You can assign tags to any record in bpm’online. Records are tagged manually. You can tag a record directly from the record page. Use the section filter area to filter the records by tags. Bpm’online uses separate tag lists for each section.

The following types of tags are used in bpm’online:

Private tags are only visible and accessible to the user who created them. Any user can create any number of private tags. Private tags are not visible to managers and system administrators. Private tags in bpm’online are marked green.

Corporate – tags that are visible to all the company employees. Any employee can add or remove a corporate tag. Corporate tags can be created by all employees/roles who are permitted to perform the “Corporate tag management” operation. Corporate tags in bpm’online are marked blue.

Public – tags that are visible for all the company employees and for the self-service portal users. Any employee can add or remove a public tag. Public tags can be created by all employees/roles that are permitted to perform the “Public tag management” operation. Public tags in bpm’online are marked red.


By default, the permission to create public and corporate tags is only granted to the “System administrators” role.


How to create a tag

How to tag a record

How to remove a tag

Setting up advanced filter for a tagged record

Tags FAQ

Video tutorials

How to work with tags

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