Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.


You can filter records in the list for sections and details in bpm’online. The following tools can be used to search and filter records in sections:

Quick filter;

Standard filter;

Advanced filter.

To filter records on the details, a standard filter is used.

Controls for managing filters are located in the upper part of the section page or directly on the detail (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Filter area


To manage standard and advanced filters in sections, use the [Filter] menu. To change the parameters of the applied filter either for the section or for the detail, click the filter and edit the needed fields in the filter area.

The filter settings are saved when updating the page, when switching sections or re-logging into the system. To remove a filter, click the btn_com_quick_filter_cancel.png button in its right part (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Canceling one filter



The [Filter] menu is also used to manage folders. If some folders have been marked as favorite, their list will be displayed in the [Filter] menu. More information about the working with folders can be found in a separate article.


Quick filter

Standard filter

Advanced filter

See also



Video tutorials

Setting up simple and advanced filters

Working with folders in bpm’online

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