Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The command line

Use bpm’online command line (the field labeled “What can I do for you?”) to quickly access the frequently used operations, such as opening a record page or running a business process.

The command line is similar to the search line of web search engines. For example, enter the name and click btn_perform_command.png button or press the [Enter] key, to find a contact record.

Execute other commands in the same way. For example, enter the command “Create Contact” to instantly open a new contact page or “Run Process” to launch the corresponding business process. The command line can recognize several variations of the same command. For example, both the “Create Contact“ and the “Add Contact“ are both valid commands.

If you enter a partial command, the system will offer you a list of several options. For example, if you enter “Create A”, the system will offer the following options: “Create Account” and “Create Activity”.


Global search

Navigation in the system

Creating records

Business process launch

The command line setup

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