Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Currencies] lookup


This lookup contains a list of currencies used in mutual payments with customers, partners, suppliers, and the like.


[Name] – indicate the name of the currency, for example, “US Dollar” or “Euro”.


Specify a banking code that is used for a specific currency, for example, US dollar code is 840.

Short name

Shortened currency name, such as “USD” or “EUR”.


Currency symbol, such as “$” or “€”.


Specify the currency amount for which the exchange rate will be calculated (for example, 1, 10, 100).


Additional information about the currency.

Show currency sign

Choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list. Choose [on the left] or [on the right] options to display the sign before or after the amount.

[Exchange rate] detail

Information about exchange rates is stored on the [Exchange rate] detail.


The starting date for the exchange rate. The start date of a new exchange rate is considered the end date of the previous exchange rate.

Exchange rate

Exchange rate between the base currency and the current currency. Enter a value according to the currency ratio, specified in the currency card. The value for the base currency must be set to “1”.


The ending date for the exchange rate. Populated automatically,when the starting date of new exchange rate is set. This is a non-editable field.


The base currency is used to calculate the financial performance indicators, for example, it can be “US Dollar”. Use the “Base currency” system setting to select a certain base currency.

See also

Working with currencies

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