Creatio administration
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Printable FAQ

Which file formats are supported by Creatio printables?

I have installed the Creatio plug-in for MS Word. What is next?

Which file formats are supported by Creatio printables?

The printables are used for generating printed documents based on the data from section records. By default, printables are generated in .DOCX format for MS Word. To restrict editing printables use the Microsoft guide.

I have installed the Creatio plug-in for MS Word. What is next?

The Creatio plug-in for MS Word is used for editing templates for printables. Before you can use the plug-in, go to the [Printables] lookup and add a new printable (or open an existing MS Word printable). Click the [Download the template] button and save the template file. Open the template file in MS Word and use the Creatio plug-in options to connect to Creatio with your regular Creatio login credentials. Template editing options will become available in MS Word. When you are done editing the template, use the [Upload template] button in the [Printables] template to upload the modified template.

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