Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Lookup property page

Use the lookup property page to add or change properties of existing lookups. To open this page, select a lookup in the list and click the [Open properties] button.


Lookup name


Object that contains the structure of lookup content. For example, in the registration card of the [Cities] lookup, the “City” object is specified in this field. The lookup of this field contains items of the “Object” type.

List page

Page schema used for editing the content of the lookup. If this field is not populated, the standard lookup content page will be used.


Description of the lookup, e.g., its purpose and function.

See also

Lookup content page

Creating and registering lookups

Description of lookups

Video tutorials

Managing system settings and lookups

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