Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Operation permissions] section

The [Operation permissions] section is used to manage access rights to bpm’online administered operations, e.g., user registration, workplace setup, lookup content modification, bpm’onlne configuration, etc.

To display the [Operation permissions] section, open the system designer by clicking the btn_system_designer.png button in the upper right corner of the application. Click the [Operation permissions] link in the [Users and administration] block.

Section toolbar

Working with folders is not provided in this section. However, the functionality of the standard and advanced filters is available.


System operation page

Common data

Operation permission

Description of system operations

See also

The [Object permissions] section

Users and roles management

Video tutorials

Setting up permissions

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