Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Integration with web services

Bpm’online can integrate with custom REST web services. You can set up web service integration, including web service connection parameters and methods in the [Web services] section of the [Studio] workplace. Alternatively, you can open this section by clicking the [Web service integration setup] link of the System designer.


The complexity of the setup procedure largely depends on how the web service itself is implemented and documented. Most common web service integrations do not require programmer background.

The general setup procedure is as follows:

1.Study the documentation for the REST services that you need to use for resolving your business task and develop a deep understanding of how they are called. Read more >>>

2.For each of the web services:

a.Set up web service properties, including its URI in the [Web services] section. Read more >>>

b.Add HTTP methods that bpm’online can call to trigger web service functions and set up their parameters. Read more >>>

3.Implement calling of the integrated web services as part of your BPMN business processes. Read more >>>

More information on web service integration setup is available in separate business process integration articles.

See also

Studying Web service documentation

Setting up general properties of the web service

Setting up web service methods

[Call web service] business process element


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