The [Default permissions] detail of the [Object permissions] section
The [Default permissions] detail (Fig. 1) is used for setting up access rights to perform the read, edit and delete operations that will be assigned to the new records in objects by default.
Fig. 1 The [Default permissions] detail in the [Users] section
For example, you can set up access rights so that all records created by accountants can be modified and deleted by accountants only, by default.
The records on the [Default permissions] detail can be edited directly in the list without using a page.
Detail views
[Read] – default permissions to read the object records.
[Edit] – default permissions to modify the object records.
[Delete] – default permissions to delete the object records.
Detail columns
The [Created by] column shows a user or a role that is the author of a record, access rights to which are being specified.
•If the column contains a user name, then the default access rights are specified to records created by this user.
•If a role is specified, then the default permissions refer to all records created by any user included in that role.
For example, a permission may refer to all records created by the R&D department staff. The lookup of this column contains a list of users, as well as a tree-like company structure. When a new record is added to the detail, the current user is specified by default.
The [User/role] column displays the user or role that receives permissions to perform the operations in the object. For example, permissions can be granted to all employees of the R&D department. The lookup of this column contains a list of users, as well as a tree-like company structure.
Depending on the selected view, the icon in the [Permission] column indicates the level of access to view, modify and delete the selected record.
— indicates that the user or role has permission to perform the selected operation.
— indicates that the user or role has permission not only to perform an operation, but also to assign permissions to perform this operation for other users or roles in the system.
To be able to use the default access rights to an object, select the [Managed by records] checkbox for this object in the list of the [Object permissions] section.