The [Access to object] detail of the [Object permissions] section
The [Access to object] detail (Fig. 1) is used to distribute the general access rights to objects.
Fig. 1 The [Access to object] detail
For example, all employees can be given permission to view the knowledge base articles in the corresponding section, but only the Service Desk staff can add, edit and delete the articles.
The records on the [Access to object] detail can be edited directly in the list without using a page.
Detail columns
Use the [User/role] column to specify the user or role that the permission is granted to. For example, permissions can be granted to all employees of the R&D department. The lookup of this column contains a list of users, as well as a tree-like company structure.
Select the checkbox in the [Read] column to allow viewing the records of the object. For example, the user that does not have a permission to read a certain section object will not be able to access the corresponding section. Additionally, the user will not be able to view data from that section that is displayed on details and lookups in other sections.
Select the checkbox in the [Add] column to allow the user or role to create new records in the object.
Select the checkbox in the [Edit] column to allow modifying the existing records in the object.
Select the checkbox in the [Delete] column to allow deleting records in the object.
To be able to assign permissions for read, add, edit and delete operations in an object, select the checkbox in the [Managed by operations] column for this object in the list of the [Object permissions] section.
See also
•The [Access to object for external services] detail of the [Object permissions] section
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