The [Access to object for external services] detail of the [Object permissions] section
Use the [Access to object for external services] detail to restrict access to bpm’online for external services if the applications is integrated with them using the OData protocol.
Fig. 1 The [Access to object for external services] detail
For example, all employees can view, edit and delete records in a certain section. However, if the same users access the application via an external service, they should not be able to edit and delete records. In this case, the relevant restrictions are to be indicated on the [Access to object for external services] detail.
The structure of the [Access to object for external services] detail is identical to that of the [Access to object] detail.
Access rights are set in such a way that when accessing via the OData protocol, restrictions from both details are applied for different users and roles.
See also
•The [Access to object] detail of the [Object permissions] section