The [Columns permissions] detail of the [Object permissions] section.
By using the [Columns permissions] detail (Fig. 1), you can set up the user access rights to individual columns in objects.
Fig. 1 The [Columns permissions] detail
This detail consists of two areas.
•The columns list area (1) displays the columns of the selected object.
•The permissions area (2) contains the list of access rights assigned to the selected column.
The records on the [Columns permissions] detail can be edited directly in the list without using a page.
If columns permissions have not been set up, then all users who have access to the corresponding object, will also have full access to all its columns. In this case the columns list on the [Columns permissions] detail will not contain columns.
When the [Managed by columns] checkbox is selected, then the [All columns] view will contain the list of all columns in the selected object. Additionally, for each column the edit right (maximum access level) will be granted to all users.
To modify permissions for a certain user or role, click the [Add] button and select the necessary user or role.
Click the icon in the corresponding row of the permissions area to change access level to a certain column for a certain user or role.
If you delete all records from the permissions area for a certain column, then this column will be removed from the columns list area, and the access to this column will be restricted.
Detail views
•The [Administered columns] view shows those columns of the current object for which the additional access rights are specified.
•The [All columns] view displays all columns of the selected object including those columns for which the access rights have been assigned by default.
Detail columns
The [User/role] column specifies the user or role that permissions are granted to. For example, permissions can be granted to all employees of the R&D department. The lookup of this column contains a list of users, as well as a tree-like company structure.
Click the icon in the [Permission] column to switch between access levels. Based on the selected access level, the column will display the corresponding icon:
• “Read” – the user can view the data in the selected column;
• “Edit” – the user can view and modify the data in the selected column;
• “Access denied” – the user cannot view or modify the data in the selected column.
Users with the “Edit” permission have complete access to the column. Users with the “Read” permission can only view the data in the column, but cannot modify it. Those users that were assigned the “Access denied” level of access will not be able to view the data in the column. In this case, instead of the actual data, the “<Access denied>” message will be shown both in the list column and in the corresponding field.