Project Life Cycle Methodology
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.10.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Trial operation

The last stage of the Transition phase is the trial operation of the system by the customer's pilot group, approved in the project's charter. The difference between beta testing and the trail operation is the fact that during the latter the system is used by the end-users of the Client in real business scenarios.

Transition to trial operation (Fig. 28) when:

the solution is deployed on the production environment and is used by the pilot group

the beta testing period is over

all high and critical priority bugs have been fixed

the regulations are updated.

Fig. 28 Trial operation process diagram


The trial operation team consists of the Client’s and Vendor’s workgroups, the CRM Coordinator and the Project Portfolio Manager / Project Manager (Fig. 29).

Fig. 29 Trial operation step structure and responsibilities


The business process of the trial operation

At the first step of the pilot operation, the Client’s CRM Coordinator instructs a group of Client’s trainers. Their knowledge is then tested and, if necessary, additional training is performed. The trainers then train Client’s pilot group.

For transition to the trial operation, the direct involvement of the divisions participating in the pilot operation is monitored by the Project Portfolio Manager.

Then, the trained pilot group of the Client starts the trial operation of the system, as in working with the configured system in real-life business scenarios. The duration of trial operation depends on the project scale and is determined by the schedule. During the operation, the pilot group provides the Vendor with the feedback about any bugs found. Based on their feedback a routine update is carried out every week or every two weeks with the aim to fix all high-priority bugs.

The trial operation step and the Transition phase are completed when all bugs of medium, high and critical priority have been fixed and the time period specified in the calendar plan has expired.

See also

Test operation

Beta testing

See also

Operation phase

Delivery of updates


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