All deliveries that were carried out during the Execution phase are compiled and transferred to the Client’s pre-production environment. The transferred functions are then tested by the Client’s workgroup. The bugs are fixed based on the feedback from the Client’s workgroup when all approved test cases have been completed. The test operation begins when all Transition phase steps are summarized, presented and confirmed with the Client. The test operation consists of 3 steps (Fig. 24).
Fig. 24 Test operation business process diagram
The workgroups of the Vendor and the Client, the Project Portfolio Manager or the Project Manager are all part of the test operation team (Fig. 25).
Fig. 25 Test operation structure and responsibilities
Preparing for the test operation
Start the test operation with summarizing, presenting and confirming all Transition phase steps. The Project Portfolio Manager is responsible for conducting a meeting with the Client. Summarize the progress of the Execution phase, approve the steps of the test operation, beta testing, and trial operation processes. Additionally, confirm the following:
•Conditions for transitioning between phase steps
•Infrastructure deployment plan
•How feedback is provided and processed
•How bug fixes are confirmed and carried out
•List of Client’s workgroup members during the test operation
•List of Client’s workgroup members during beta testing
After the presentation, the Business Analyst (or Business Analyst Team Lead) creates a test operation check-list. This checklist will enable you to effectively monitor the progress of Client's testing processes.
The developers deploy the solution on the Client’s pre-production environment, and synchronize all data with the Client’s pre-production systems.
The last preparation step involves migrating the client’s data for testing purposes, and creating the demo data based on the test cases provided by the Client. The first step is carried out by the Developers, the second is carried out by Business Analysts.
Test operation – delivery to IT experts/analysts and/or business experts
The Client's workgroup receives the deployed solution for testing in the pre-production environment. Prior to that, analysts perform independent end-to-end testing, which includes integration debugging. Additionally, the analysts prepare the following documents:
•Configuration guide
•User guide.
The delivery is made to the Client after successful end-to-end testing. The IT experts/analysts (if this department exists) and the business expert workgroups receive the delivery. A delivery implies that all test cases described in the technical design step are completed. If necessary, conduct a training for users who have not previously participated in the project.
During Client's testing, the CRM coordinator provides feedback on any found bugs. The project manager monitors the user activity and the feedback they provide.
After fixing all high-priority bugs, the delivery to Client’s analysts or business experts is carried out again. Fix all high and critical priority bugs to move on to the next step of the phase.
See also