Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Reports in the [Process log] section

The Analytics view contains a summary of the section information: charts, metrics, rating lists and reports.

[Process analytics] tab

Summary information about the running processes.


Filters set in the section are applied to all dashboard components.

Number of completed processes

This indicator that displays the total number of processes in the “Completed” status.

Average process duration

This indicator displays the average process duration in days. Only completed processes are taken into account.

Processes duration

This diagram displays the total duration of all process instances for each process in days. The data is sorted in descending order of total duration. Only completed processes are taken into account.

Number of tasks within processes

This diagram displays the total number of steps that were created during performing all instances of each process. The data is sorted in descending order of the total number of steps. Only steps performed by users are taken into account (the diagram does not include the automatic actions).


How to work with analytics and the analytics setup can be found in the documentation of your Creatio application.

See also

How to view process statistics

Process instance page

Actions in the [Process log] section

Run business process


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