Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

[Validation item] case element (BPMonline lending)

The [Validation item] chapter_case_designer_icon_verification.png case element is used in cases that facilitate processing of applications. This element is available only in BPMonline lending. Use the [Validation item] element to create a validation checklist that an underwriter must complete to approve or deny a loan application. The general purpose of the [Validation item] element is to automate the credit loan review.


For more details on the application review automation, please see a separate article.

Specify the validation parameters in the element setup area (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 The [Validation item] element settings


Use the parameter value window and parameter value menu to fill out the element parameters.

Specify the case element purpose by typing in a header at the top right-part of the element setup area. This will make the element more recognizable on the case diagram. Set up the element parameters.

[When is the step performed?] [When is the step performed?] –  indicates whether the validation is activated at the start of the stage or upon completion of a specified case step.

[Which validation item to execute?] – select an item from the [Validation items] lookup. The lookup contains the list of actions that consist of validation questions and additional information that the employee may need during the validation process. This is a required field.

[Application] – specify the application to validate. This is a required field which is populated automatically.

[Execute on page] – specify the page where the validation item must be performed. By default, a pre-set BPMonline validation item page is used. This is a required field.

[How to perform validation?] – preconfigured list of verification methods that correspond to the verification action. This is a required field.

If the [Single participant validation] is selected, populate the following fields:

[Participant role] – role of the application participant. This is a required field.

[Participant application form] – application form of the participant (optional).

If the [Multiple participant validation] is selected, populate the [Participant role] field.

[Who performs the task?] – select an employee or a group of employees who perform the validation. For example, the loan manager or the verification group.

If the validation action is performed by a [Group of employees], populate the following field:

[Role of employees] – user group responsible for the validation. The validation item will be available only for the employees who are members of the specified user group. This is a required field.

If the [Responsible employee] is selected, populate the following field:

[Owner] – the user who will be performing validation. This is a required field.

[How to display on Validation detail?] – select a method for displaying the validation result on the [Validation] detail of the application page.

If you select [Add new record], bpm’online will add a new record on the [Validation] detail.

If you select [Edit existing record], bpm’online will update a specific record on the [Validation] detail. In this case you will need to specify the record to update in the additional field:

[Record identifier] – unique identifier of a record on the [Validation] detail.

See also

Getting started with dynamic cases

Case stages

[Perform task] case element

[Sub-process] case element

[Open edit page] case element

[Approval] case element

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