Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to identify a campaign and a bulk email using the tracking feature

You can estimate the efficiency of your bulk emails and campaigns using the lead tracking for the leads generated from landing pages. While analyzing the redirection URLs, Creatio identifies the bulk email and the campaign from which the customer was redirected to the landing page of your website and then filled out the landing page form.

On the lead page, you can find out the bulk email and the campaign connected to the lead. To do this, use the [Bulk email], [Campaign] fields and the [Lead engagement] field group on the [History] tab. You can get the summary information about the efficiency of the bulk emails and campaigns using the analytics in the [Leads] and [Campaigns] sections.

What you need to do to start tracking bulk emails and campaigns

To start tracking campaigns, enter the “utm_campaign” mark value on the [Properties] page of the campaign.

To start tracking bulk emails and the connected campaigns, go to the [Parameters] tab of the bulk email page and do the following:

1.Select the [Use UTM tracking codes] checkbox;

2.Select the marks: “utm_source”, “utm_campaign”, “utm_medium”, additionally – “utm_content” and “utm_term”;

3.Enter the list of domains to generate the redirection URL for using the marks entered.

Apart from the UTM marks, the redirection URL will also contain the unique Id of the bulk email (“bulk_email_rid”). Its value is generated in Creatio automatically and is added to all the redirection URLs in the email. The unique Id of each bulk email is stored in the [RId] system column.

For example, a campaign page will include the following values:

  • [utm_source] – “creatio”;

  • [utm_campaign] – “crm_day”;

  • [utm_medium] – “email”;

  • [utm_content] – “active_users”;

  • The domain list will include the “” website.

In this case, the website redirection URL will look like this: “”.

How a lead's campaign and bulk email is identified.

A campaign is identified based on the correspondence of the “utm_campaign” marks in the redirection URL and on the campaign page. If there are several campaigns found for the “utm_campaign” value, the lead page will display the last campaign (by creation date).

A bulk email is identified using the bulk email unique Id contained in the redirection URL (“bulk_email_rid”).

See also

How website event tracking works

How to set up lead source tracking

How to set up website event tracking

How to identify the lead source and channel using the tracking feature

The [Leads] section

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