Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Analytics in the [Accounts] section

The [Analytics] view contains summary data on the section: charts, metrics, ratings and reports.


More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup is available in the corresponding articles.

The [Account analytics] tab

The [Account analytics] tab displays the summary of information about accounts that are registered in the system.


Filters set in the section will be applied to all dashboard components.

Number of customers

Indicator that displays the number of accounts with the “Customer” type registered in the system.

Customers by industry

Diagram that displays how accounts with the “Customer” type are grouped by industry.

Customers by category

Diagram that displays how accounts with the “Customer” type are grouped by category.

Customer base growth

Diagram that displays the number of accounts with the “Customer” type added in the system. The data is displayed in chronological order by month.


Data sufficiency

The list of fields on the account page is given as a table. For each field the table contains the number of records where this field is filled in and the corresponding percentage. It also displays the number of entries that have no data in this field.

See also


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