The [Marketing email] element enables you to use trigger emails (created in the [Email] section) in your campaigns.
The execution time of this step depends on the configured flows. The available flows and their settings are described in a separate article.
You cannot use bulk emails in a marketing campaign.
Additional options for outgoing condition flows
If the [Marketing email] element has outgoing condition flows, the possible email responses will be added to the list of the available conditions under the [What is the result of the step?] group (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Transition depending on the email response
Selecting the [Email clicked] response additionally enables you to select one or several links from the email template. Only the participants, who click the selected links will transfer down the condition flow.
If the trigger email template has dynamic content, Creatio will treat all URLs in each replica as unique URLs. When you populate the [Redirection URL] field for a trigger email with dynamic content, you will see the list of links from all template replicas. Select all the available link variants to enable recipients of each replica transfer down the condition flow.
The campaign will take into account the responses available at the time of transfer for participants who have not transferred yet. For example, if you set a 3-day transition delay for “Email opened” condition, all contacts who open the email within 3 days will transfer down this condition flow.
You can opt to transfer participants regardless of their response, or transfer down the flow only participants with specific responses by selecting the corresponding options on in the properties area of the conditional flow.
If you select the “Email clicked” transition option and later change the link in the email template after the start of the campaign, replace the old link with the new one in the “URL” field.
See also
•The [Add from folder] element
•The [Exit from campaign] element