bpm’online 7.8.1 release notes
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.8.1. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

icn_basic_interface.pngBase interface and system capabilities

Sections and pages

  • When a record in a list is selected, the record remains selected and located in the visible area of the page after leaving the section and then returning.


  • If a developer adds two or more profiles of the same type (contact or account), the field values in the profile immediately become visible after adding a new record without the need to reload the current page.

  • From now on, values can be selected from a multiple selection lookup by double-clicking. For instance, you can double click on the contact’s email when selecting the email recipient from the email addresses list and it will be immediately added to the [To] field.

  • Edit pages now work properly after removing fields from an object displayed on the page.


  • Favorite group titles now display properly, in the case when a favorite group is initially selected from the section, and a user changes the filtering criteria.

  • The option of hiding a group module when no group is selected now works properly in bpm’online sales team edition, bpm’online service enterprise and bpm’online customer center products.

Pop-up summaries

  • The display of icons of related records has been enhanced in the drop-down list when adding links to another items within an activity pop-up summary.


  • The issue that caused activity pop-up summaries to change their height when saving a record after completion or cancellation has been fixed.

  • The cursor positioning has been improved in order to enable more convenient linking of the activity to system records within the activity pop-up summary. After selecting the connection type, the cursor is immediately placed in the value field.


  • Internet Explorer users can now export print forms in PDF.

  • An option to process file names with special characters in Safari was added. Now special characters are replaced with "_" when the file is downloaded.

icn_social_feed.pngEnterprise social network

  • Additional notifications are now displayed when a user has no right to view an object when trying to follow a hyperlink. For example, if a user is tagged in a feed in regards to a contact to which they have no access rights, the user will receive a “Not sufficient access” message when trying to access this record from the communication panel.

icn_mobile.pngMobile application

  • The app was optimized to support Windows 10 OS.


Email integration

  • Handling of an exception that prevented files from attaching to a letter in MS exchange in certain cases has been added.

  • The issue that prevented attachments from being displayed in the case history when creating a case from an email was fixed.

Excel data import

  • The import of the Excel files with unsupported column types now works properly. For instance, users can now import files with such column types as BLOB.

icn_marketing.pngBpm’online marketing

  • A recipient group with empty filter values can now be added to a bulk email or event audience.

  • The "Lead management" business process has been adjusted. Now the process is compatible with custom mandatory fields in a contact or account record.

icn_business_procecces.pngBusiness processes

Business process designer

  • Now, when deleting an element from a diagram, only outgoing flows are deleted and incoming flows automatically move to the next elements within the diagram.

  • The option to search for a business process element by name and element code within a diagram was added. The search box can be opened by pressing the Ctrl+F combination and now matches are automatically highlighted to ease the search process. Fast switching between matching elements and automatic opening of selected element pages has been added as well.

Business process execution

  • Invoking of interpreted processes as sub-processes from compiled parent processes has been modified.

  • Verification of invoked sub-processes has been implemented. When saving a business process that invokes a non-working sub-process, the business process designer displays an error message.

  • The new system version now checks formulas used in business processes. If the specified parameters do not exist or cannot be used by the process in the application, the system will not allow you to save the business process.


  • Connections between the elements of a main process and sub-processes are now checked to preserve the integrity of the business process. If a dependent sub-process has been changed and the main process refers to its elements, the designer displays an error message.

icn_user_settings.pngUser customization tools

  • The "Feed" tab position on the page can now be customized with the section wizard.

  • Values catching in the “Maximum number of configurations” system setting now works properly.


  • A notification is now displayed when a user with no access rights to an administration object tries to open it via a hyperlink.

icn_development.pngDevelopment tools

  • Automatic closing of the WorkspaceConsole.exe utility after performing all operations has been implemented.

  • The ability to extend the SocialChannelPageV2 schema for the [Feed] channel has been added.

  • SourceCodeSchema type schemas can now only be written in C#. JavaScript is no longer supported for writing such schemes, and the "Language" public property is marked as "obsolete" and will be removed in the next releases.

  • The WorkspaceCompiler class is marked as "obsolete" and will be removed in future releases.   The BPMonlineCompiler class should be used instead.

  • The issue that prevented the JavaScript bundle upgrade process from launching when deleting a package was fixed.

  • The inheritance of some schemas has changed. Now BasePageV2 (basic basic pop-up summary schema) and BaseMiniPage (basic mini-page schema) are the heirs of BaseEntityPage.