bpm’online 7.8.0 release notes
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.8.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

icn_basic_interface.pngBase interface and system capabilities


  • Advanced filters can now be cleared correctly when a product folder is renamed in bpm’online sales team, customer center and service enterprise.

  • The problem with loading data in lists when changing quick filters has been fixed.

  • Quick filters set up by users can now be saved. The conditions are also saved when switching between sections and updating pages, and are available after the user logs out and then logs back in.


Pop-up summaries

  • When linking an activity to a project via a mini-page, the [Project/task] field of the activity is automatically filled in.

  • Users can now manage the display of the [Web] field in the mini-page for adding account records  without affecting the visibility of this field in the mini-page for viewing account records.

  • Details on the object page can be updated more easily. If an activity mini-page is opened from the record action panel and then an activity is added, the activity will be displayed  in the activities detail without the need to update the page.

  • Lookups in pop-up summaries are displayed as drop-down lists.


  • Modifications were made to the execution of  business process activities from the action panel. If the activity is a user dialog or an edit page of a different object, the corresponding page is displayed instead of the activity mini-page.


  • The logic of how tasks are selected in the calendar has been optimized. The "Invite participants" option for synchronization with MS Exchange has been excluded from the selection criteria.

  • The process of opening an activity mini-page from the calendar has been modified. Now, a mini-page does not pop out when hovering the cursor over the activity title. Instead, the mini-page opens by clicking on the activity title. Double-clicking the title opens the activity page.

Attachments and notes

  • The issue with text formatting on the [Notes] detail has been corrected. Now, if you select text and change the text font, size and/or color, the formatting will be saved correctly.

icn_social_feed.pngEnterprise social network

  • Notifications for groups of followers are now working properly. All users that belong to a group that follows a channel will receive channel notifications, regardless of whether they are individually following the channel or not.

  • Notifications for users who stop following a feed, regardless of whether they belong to the group of followers or not, have been fixed.

  • Hints that open when an employee is mentioned in a post (via the "@" character) have also been fixed.


icn_mobile.pngMobile application

  • Users can now log calls made from the bpm’online mobile app. After completing a call, users can enter the call results and save the call information in the communication history.


Integration with Google

  • Synchronization with Google Calendar when running both automatic and manual synchronization at the same time is now working correctly.

Email integration

  • Synchronization with Mail.ru has been fixed. Now, on repeated synchronization in any mode, user changes in the email connections no longer reset.

  • The mechanism that automatically connects emails to system records has been fixed. Incoming emails will no longer be automatically connected to the recipient's contact record. Incoming emails are now bound to the sender's contact record.


  • The problem with incoming email attachments has been fixed. Now, the system can process the rare case when a user receives from a third-party system identical ID’s for attachments for previously downloaded attachments and current attachments.

  • The [Reply] and [Forward] buttons are now displayed properly. All emails except drafts have all three actions available: [Reply], [Reply all] and [Forward].

  • The performance of the mechanism that automatically connects emails to system records has been optimized. This will improve systems that download emails for large numbers of users.

Excel data import

  • Modifications have been made to the process of checking for duplicates in imported records. Now, the start and end spaces are not taken into account nor are several character combinations commonly used in html e.g., \n, \r, \t. When uploading data from a file, the start and end spaces are removed.

  • Tags can now be imported from Excel and connected to records.

icn_sales.pngBpm’online sales

  • The error that resulted in duplicate records on the [Tactics history] detail on the opportunity page has been corrected.

  • The error that resulted in inability to change the record order on the [Structure] detail in the [Projects] section has been fixed.

icn_marketing.pngBpm’online marketing

  • To simplify working with different versions of the same process, special names have been introduced for updated business processes in the [Process library] section.

  • The error that resulted in the opening of an empty email template in a saved bulk email record that uses a template from the lookup has been fixed.

  • The function for adding contacts to a campaign target audience has been changed in the [Campaigns] section. After a contact exits a campaign or reaches the goal, it will not be added to the target audience of the campaign again.

  • The process of filling out contact record fields using the values from the fields of a lead record has been improved. If a new lead for an existing contact is added, the contact fields that are already filled in will not be updated with empty values from the corresponding lead record fields.

  • The record page in the [Landing pages] section has been modified:

The landing page setup process is now presented as a clear sequence of steps.

Landing page records now have pop-up summaries.

A block has been added with links to updated Academy articles on landing page setup.


  • Landing setup page has been modified:

Added tool tip for the [Website domains] field;

Added ability to specify several landing page domains in the [Website domains] field.

  • Landing template code has been improved to simplify landing page setup:

Additional lead fields were added to the landing page code (“City”, “Country”, “Notes”);

The placeholder text ("css-selector") that must be replaced in the template code, is now highlighted in blue.

  • Landing page setup process has been improved. Now, if lead page has custom fields, they will be automatically added to the landing page code.

 icn_service.pngBpm’online service

  • Verification of custom business processes in the agent desktop has been added. Now, if a custom process is incorrect, the user will receive a notification that the process cannot be run after taking a case.

  • Added a tool for automatic completion if the process for contact notification about case status change if the user deletes a rule in the [Rules for case contact notification] lookup.

  • When a user logs in to the customer portal for the first time and creates a new case, a hint is now displayed prompting to specify a correct timezone. This will ensure that the case deadlines are displayed in a convenient manner for the portal user.

  • All bpm'online service products have had the number of workplaces reduced to two: “Contact center” and “Service”. This simplifies the system for new users. The complete bpm’online bundle now has the following workplaces: “Marketing”, “Sales”, "Contact center", "Service".  The order of sections in the side panel has also been changed, based on how frequently each section is used.

icn_business_procecces.pngBusiness processes

Business process designer

  • User dialog options for business processes created in previous bpm'online versions are now displayed properly. The mechanism for processing the [User dialog] element has been adapted to support multiple languages.

  • A uniqueness check for business process names in all package schemas, as opposed to checking only process schema names, has been added.

  • Unsaved business processes can now be loaded. Now if you forget to save the process diagram when editing, you can restore unsaved data next time you open the process diagram.

  • The minimum distance between the flow curve and process element has been increased to make the design of processes more convenient. Previously, the distance was too small and users often had to move the elements manually.


Business process execution

  • The error that caused business processes working with the application cache to stop after reloading the application has been fixed.

  • The error in sub-processes that resulted in the inability to complete the [Auto-generated page] and [Open edit page] process elements has been fixed.

  • The error with the updating of the [Active] checkbox status when activating and deactivating business processes using the [Enable process] and [Disable process] actions of the process properties page has been fixed.

  • The source code generation mechanism for business processes has been improved. Changes have been made to resolve the conflicts that occur if configuration changes are transferred when a business process and the corresponding system setting are in the same package.

  • The business process launching service has been improved. Now, a process can receive more incoming parameters than it actually has upon launching. This will provide compatibility with previously created processes when custom modules are expanded.

  • You can now open records connected to a process directly from the [Process log] section. The records on the [Connected objects] detail in the [Process log] section now have clickable links.

  • The mechanism for handling start and intermediate catching events has been optimized. The improvements help to avoid resuming one process instance multiple times.


icn_user_settings.pngUser customization tools

  • The symbol used as the decimal separator for printables can now be changed. To do this, specify the symbol (or set of symbols) in the [Decimal separator in MS Word printables] system setting. By default, the value of this system setting is not set and the decimal separator is set automatically depending on the system language.

  • Chart setup interface has been optimized. The interface has been streamlined to match the outlay that proved to be successful in the earlier versions.

1. What to display

2. How to group

3. How to sort

4. How to filter

5. How to associate with section data

6. What to display

  • Added ability to open section wizard from the workplace setup page. This also enables setup of edit pages on the customer portal.


  • The ability to set the database connection timeout in the application and WorkspaceConsole connectionString is now available.

icn_development.pngDevelopment tools

  • The SaveDBContent WorkspaceConsole operation when exporting to a network folder has been fixed.

  • WorkspaceConsole now displays the list of errors encountered during execution.

  • To speed up and simplify the client schema development and debugging process, we’ve added the ability to use code completion in IDE and navigation between configuration and third-party libraries when editing schema data in the WorkingCopy.

  • The error that would reset the title of the parent object when its replacing object was saved repeatedly has been fixed.