Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Presentation] stage

The process moves to the presentation stage after the qualification stage. If required, you can move to this stage from any process stage.

Stage goal

The goal of this stage is to present your company products and services. At this stage, the sales manager prepares the presentation with respect to the customer needs. After performing the presentation, the manager enters the information about the results.

What happens in the system.

At this stage, the manager prepares a presentation based on the data about the customer needs, conducts the presentation and enters the results.

The manager then needs to do the following:

1.Choose the most appropriate presentation for this particular customer in your knowledge base library. Think about the questions you want to ask the customer, collect some examples for demonstration, define the list of contacts who will represent the customer and the list of existing competitors. You can edit the field by entering your actual presentation time. After the presentation, change the values of the [Status] and [Result] activity fields and save the changes.

2.Contact the client to clarify any remaining questions, and receive feedback on the presentation. Agree on the date and time of the proposal presentation. Edit the data in the corresponding task.


Supplement the data on the opportunity page as you receive more information.

3.Prepare and approve the proposal, considering the data obtained in the course of the presentation and interaction with the client. Check the readiness of the presentation, handouts, business cards and brochures. Complete the activity by selecting the desired result on its mini page.

Stage results.

The current stage is completed. Now you can move to the proposal stage.

See also

How to move through the process stages

How to work with the corporate sales process

Opportunities FAQ

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