Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Projects] section

A project is an undertaking intended to achieve specific results, for example, create a new product or develop a new service. Thus, a project can imply constructing a house, developing a software product, or implementing a new automated system in the company.

By using the [Projects] section you can form a project structure, plan working time, allocate necessary resources, track deadlines, and keep record of expenses.


The section has several views:

  • btn_com_list_view.png – list of projects. It displays projects as a list of records. All list columns are described below in the context of the projects page.

  • btn_com_analytics.png – project analytics. It displays charts, numeric indicators, and lists used to analyze projects. Read more >>> 


The following quick filters are available in the section:

  • By project start and end date (the [Start] and [Worked till] fields of the project page). The project will be displayed in the section if the dates in the filter fall to the project time period.

  • By owner (the [Owner] field of the project page).


The toolbar is available for the selected section record and displays the [Open] and [Delete] standard buttons and the buttons of additional actions for the selected project (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Project toolbar


To create a copy of the existing project lick the [Copy] button. All tasks related to the project will be also copied. The project and task dates are modified using current date as the start date for the copied project. For example, if the project start date is 03/01/2018, the end date is 03/15/2018 and the project was copied on 03/10/2018, the start date of the project copy will be set to 03/10/2018, and the end date – to 03/25/2018.


Project page

Common data

The [General information] tab

The [Structure] tab

The [Financial indicators] tab

The [History] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Feed] tab

The project task page

Common data

The [General information] tab

The [Structure] tab

The [History] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Feed] tab

Actions in the [Projects] section

Analytics in the [Projects] section

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