A delivery environment is an independent Creatio application with a separate database. Depending on the purpose, the working environment can be deployed both in the cloud (production, pre-production), and on-site (development and testing environments).
In Creatio, using any configurations (workspaces) other than the default one is not recommended. Using configurations in the production environment is forbidden.
The delivery environments can be divided into two groups: project environments and Client environments.
Project environments
Project environments are implemented on the project developer side. They are configured for maximum productivity. The project environment databases contain very few demo records, if any.
Project environments include:
•Primary development environment (Project_D). Used by project teams for development before delivery pre-releases.
•Primary testing environment (Project_T). Used by project teams for functionality testing up until the delivery pre-release stage.
•Pre-release development environment (Project_D_RC). This environment corresponds with the delivery which is NOT installed on the Client's production environment and is on verification (a release candidate). This environment is optional. Here, developers fix delivery errors and transfer changes to the primary development branch. At the same time, the project team’s developers are already working on the next delivery.
•Pre-release testing environment (Project_T_RC). This environment is utilized by project teams to test the developed delivery functionality, which is currently on verification, but has NOT been installed on the Client's production environment yet (release candidate).
•Release development environment (Project_D_R). This environment corresponds with the version of the Client’s production environment (release). This environment is optional. It is usually needed for specific production environment fixes. The RC and R environments are designed for continuous delivery.
•Release testing environment (Project_T_R). This environment is used by developers for testing of “hotfixes” – changes that must be made directly in the Client’s production environment.
The RC and R environments are designed for continuous delivery work. Therefore, it is unnecessary to create these environments if continuous work is not required.
Client environments
Client environments are deployed on the client’s site.
•Client development environment (Client_D) is where the Client performs in-house development. This environment is optional.
•Client testing environment (Test). This is a hardware-software environment where Creatio and all integrated systems necessary for testing of delivery results are deployed. Client testing environment contains test records. The testing environment is deployed in the same way as the pre-production environment. This environment is required only if the Client needs to test internally developed functions.
•Pre-production environment (PreProduction) is a copy of the production environment, required for testing the impact of delivery changes on third-party functions.
•Production environment (Production) is utilized by the Client for routine commercial use.
Usually, one project environment and one client environment is enough, with the exception of the Transition phase, which requires deployment of separate environments for each of its stages (Fig. 34).
Fig. 34 Project and client environments on the Execution and Transition phases
See also
•Deliveries on the project solution support stage