Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Actions in the [Process library] section

Run process

Select this action to start process execution. Read more >>> 

This action is available for active processes only and is similar to clicking the [Run] button in the process list.

Deactivate process

This action clears the [Active] checkbox on the process settings page. Disabled processes can only be run as sub-processes.

The action is similar to clicking the [Deactivate button] in the section list.


If the deactivated business process is used as a sub-process in other processes, the [Active] checkbox value will be ignored.

Activate process

This action selects the [Active] checkbox on the process settings page. The process will become available for running manually and will run based on starting events and timers, if it has any.

The action is similar to clicking the [Deactivate] button in the section list.

See also

Process properties page

Getting started with Process Designer


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