Studio Creatio, free edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Keyboard shortcuts



Ctrl + A

Select all elements on the Process Designer working area.

Ctrl + C

Copy selected element(s) on the Process Designer working area to clipboard.

Ctrl + V

Paste element(s) from clipboard to the current position of your cursor on the Process Designer working area.


Delete selected element(s) on the diagram.

Ctrl + Z

Undo last action on the Process Designer working area.

Ctrl + Y

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Redo last action on the Process Designer working area.

Drag with left mouse button

Navigate the canvas in the Process Designer working area.

Shift + drag with left mouse button

Select multiple elements on the diagram via selection box (similar to the “Lasso” tool).

Ctrl + left click

Select multiple elements by clicking on them.

If you left click a folder or process in the process library while holding down the Ctrl key, that folder or process will open on a new browser tab.

Mouse wheel

Scroll the canvas in the Process Designer working area up/down.

Shift + mouse wheel

Scroll the canvas in the Process Designer working area right/left.

Ctrl + mouse wheel

Zoom the diagram in and out. If you place the mouse cursor over the diagram, only the diagram will be zoomed.

Ctrl + Enter

Shift + Enter

Alt + Enter

Insert line break when entering element captions on the working area or in the setup area.


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