Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Analytics in the [Projects] section

The [Analytics] view contains summary data on the section: charts, metrics, ratings and reports.


More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup can be found in the corresponding articles.

The [Project analytics] tab

The [Project analytics] tab displays the summary of information about project.


Filters set in this section will be applied to all dashboard components.

Number of active projects

Calculated indicator displaying the total number of projects in the “In progress” status.

Total margin

Indicator displaying the total actual margin for projects.

Expected vs actual margin

Diagram displaying the total expected margin grouped by project completion month. Only projects with the “Completed“ status are used for calculation.

Projects by owner

Diagram displaying the total number of projects by owner. The data is sorted in descending order of the number of projects.

New projects by month

Diagram displaying the monthly change of the number of new and completed projects. The data is sorted in descending order of the number of projects.

Top 5 profitable projects

List of five projects with the largest actual margin. The data is sorted in descending order of the margin amount.

The [Project financial analysis] tab

The indicators display financial information about the projects.


Filters set in this section will be applied to all dashboard components.

Expected total inflow

The expected total inflow for all projects registered in Creatio.

Actual total inflow

The actual total inflow for all projects registered in Creatio.

Total inflow deviation

The total inflow deviation for the projects.

Expected total outflow

The expected total direct outflow for all projects registered in Creatio.

Actual total outflow

The actual total direct outflow for all projects registered in Creatio.

Total outflow deviation

The total direct outflow deviation for the projects.

Expected total cost

The expected total cost for all projects registered in Creatio.

Actual total cost

The actual total cost for all projects registered in Creatio.

Total cost deviation

The total cost deviation for the projects.

Expected prime cost

The expected prime cost for all projects registered in Creatio.

Actual prime cost

The actual prime cost for all projects registered in Creatio.

Prime cost deviation

The total inflow deviation for the projects.

Expected margin

The expected margin for all projects registered in Creatio.

Actual margin

The actual margin for all projects registered in Creatio.

Margin deviation

The total actual margin deviation for the projects.


Working time analyzed by project

Tabularly presented data on actual and expected working time per each employee engaged in the project. There is also a percentage ratio of actual and expected working time.

See also



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