Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Actions in the [Projects] section

The [Requests] section features additional actions on top of the standard ones.

Calculate financial indicators

Perform the [Calculate financial indicators] action to recalculate financial indicators for the current time. When calculating the financial indicators, the system includes the rates from such details as [Resources] by project tasks and [List of resources] by projects.

Calculate actual working time

The [Calculate actual working time] action calculates working time actually spent within the project. Actual working time is calculated in the [Resources] detail of the project task page and in the [List of resources] detail of the project. The action sums up all durations of all completed activities connected to a specific project item, by owner. For a correct recalculation of the actual working time by project, all owners of project-related activities must be stated in the list of resources. To correctly calculate actual working time, make sure that the activity owners are specified in the list of resources of the project and project task.

Recalculate estimated working time by subordinate items

The [Recalculate estimated working time by subordinate items] action calculates planned working time in the root items by subordinate items. Calculation is done in the [List of resources] detail of the project and in the [Resources] detail of the project task based on the planned working time from the lowest level to the first.

For example, if planned working time is specified in the [Resources] detail for the root project task, but the project task has its own subordinate project tasks with the planned working time specified, then when the action is performed, the planned working time of the root project task will be recalculated based on the planned working time of its subordinate tasks.

In the [List of resources] detail of the project, the project's planned working time totals are displayed. The values are calculated as a sum of work hours specified in the project tasks of the project, by employees.

See also

Project page > List of resources

The project task page > Resources

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