Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The product page

The product page contains the set of the general data fields, as well as the page tabs.

Common data

General information about the product.

The [General information] tab

The [Product details] tab contains information about the type and price of the product.

General information

Product code

Identifier of the product. The product code is often used, for example, if two products have the same name.


Link to resource related to the product, for example, the product page on the manufacturer's website or in the online shop catalog.


Checkbox indicates that the product cannot be offered to customers. For example, the product has been withdrawn from sale or is no longer delivered.


Here you can specify product segmentation parameters.


Product category, for example, “Hardware” or “Software”.


Type of product. The list of types depends on the selected category. For example, products of the “Hardware” category can be of the following types: “Graphics cards”, “Motherboards”, etc.


Product brand.

Base price

Product price information.


Price of the good or service. The amount can be specified in any currency.

For more on the currency conversion, see the “Working with currencies” article.

Unit of measure

Base unit of measure of the product. When you save the record, the selected unit of measure is added to the [Units] detail with the [Base] checkbox selected.

 [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab is used to store additional information about the product, related files, and links to web resources.


Use this detail to store files and links related to the product. For example, here you can add a link to the product overview.


This detail is designed for storing comments about the product. You can edit and organize notes and if you switch to another tab of the product page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved. For more information about working with attachments and notes please see this article.

The [Features] tab

Use the [Features] tab to store product features. For example, computer CPU speed or supported memory. You can search by product feature in the product catalog.


Product for which the feature is specified. This is a non-editable field.


Product feature.


Value of the feature. The field is displayed on the page once you select a feature. The field type depends on the value type of the selected feature. For example, you can enter a digit for the decimal feature, and select or clear the checkbox for the boolean feature.

You can select features already registered in the system or add new ones.

Features setup

To modify the list of product features, use the special setup page that opens by selecting the [Features setup] action of the [Features] tab. The setup page contains the list of all possible product features.


Feature name.

Value type

Feature data type, for example, “Drop-down list” or “Decimal”. If you select the “Drop-down list” data type, the [Values] detail appears on the page. You can add the needed list of feature values to it. Once the record is saved, the field becomes non-editable.


Description of the feature.

There are the following types of feature data:

  • “Decimal”; “Integer” – numeric type. For example, the “CPU Speed, GHz” or “Number of cores” features.

  • “Drop-down list” – data type for which you can select a value from the list. For example, the “Computer case color” feature for which the following list of values is specified: “Black” and “Silver.”

  • “Boolean” – data type for which you can specify the “Yes” or “No” value. For example, “DVD”.

  • “String” – data type for which you can manually enter a text value. For example, the “Additional information” detail.

Once you save the feature, it will be available on the [Features] detail of the product page.

See also

Product catalog

The [Feed] tab

The [Feed] tab displays messages related to the product.

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