Creatio administration
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.14.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Setting up additional parameters and integrations

After you install bpm’online application on-site and enable websockets, additional setup is required for the correct operation of integrations and other functions, such as synchronization with Google and Facebook, bulk emails, cases or landings.


All settings described in this article must be performed by the system administrator.

How to set up integration with Google

To configure the integration with Google services, you must register and configure your Google account to access the Calendar API to generate integration keys (“Client ID” and “Client Secret”) and enter them in bpm'online as values for the corresponding system settings. Read more in “Registering application for synchronization with Google (for on-site users only)”.

How to set up landing pages

This functionality is available in all configurations containing the [Landing pages and web forms] section.

Customers who have their bpm’online application deployed on-site may need to perform additional setup to have the HTML code displayed correctly on the landing page. It is required when according to URL safety rules the URL displayed in the user's browser must be different from the one used for external access to bpm’online. For example, when the URL gets blocked by firewall.

To set up landing pages:

1.Open the system designer by clicking the btn_system_designer.png button in the top right corner of the application window. In the system designer, click the [System settings] link.

2.Open the “Landing pages data collection service URL” system setting in the [Landing pages section settings] folder.

3.In the [Default value] field, enter the external URL of your bpm’online application, for example,, and save your settings.

As a result, the HTML code embedded in your landing page will use the correct URL to call the web service for creating a new lead in bpm’online, for example:

serviceUrl: "http://mysite.bpmonline-marketing/ServiceModel/GeneratedWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormLeadData"

If you use a secure connection protocol, enter the URL and specify https:// in it. The web service call address in this case will be as follows:

serviceUrl: "https://mysite.bpmonline-marketing/ServiceModel/GeneratedWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormLeadData"


By default, this setting is not configured and the application URL is generated automatically.

How to set up case resolution email notifications

The functionality is available in CRM bundles containing bpm’online service enterprise, customer center and bank customer journey.

To enable sending automatic notifications to the customers after a case status is changed to “Solved”, it is necessary to additionally configure the application by specifying the bpm'online website address that will be used to obtain information from the customers. Populate the [Default value] field of the [Website URL]  system setting with the site URL used for bpm’online access, for example

How to set up data enrichment

Your personal cloud key and the URL to bpm'online cloud services are required to use data enrichment. Use the following system settings to specify these values:

  • ”Account enrichment service url”. By default, this setting is populated for all applications.

  • “Bpmonline cloud services API key”. This setting is populated for cloud applications by default, but needs to be configured for on-site applications.

Request your personal key for your on-site application from the bpm'online support team at After receiving the key:

1.In the system designer, click the [System settings] link.

2.Go to the [Bpm’online cloud services] group, and select the [Bpmonline cloud services API key] system setting.

3.Specify the key in the [Default value] field and click [Save]

Data enrichment functions can now be used.

See also

Bulk email setup

Setting up a web-farm for bpm’online application server

Installing bpm’online

Websockets setup

Switching from HTTP to HTTPS

Bpm’online setup FAQ

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